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Th~ Tample and Society of Saints. State· IV• . t hereof, with the fati£fying thought, that all they fee is thei.r .cwn. 1t is pity thefe fh ould ever be uneafy under the want o f earthly good t hings, who m4f be fu,re they fhall inhetit 2ll things at length. , . . Vll l. Alb~itt h e re isno(material) templethet ein, nome– tiiate fe t ving of God in t he ufe of ordinances; as ltere on earth: yet, as for this kingdom, The· Lord God Almighty o nd the Lamb are the t emple of it~ Rev• .Xxi. '22. As the temple was the glory of Cana~n, fo will the celefiial temple be the glory of heaven. The faints fha11 be brought in 1 thithe-r as a royal priefl:hood, _to dwell in the houfe of the . Lord for ever; for Jefus Chrift will then make every faint 16 pillar -in the temple of God, anti he jhal/ go no more out , (Rev . iii 12.) as .the p.tiefts and L.evite~ did in their cour fes ~o out of t11e material "temple. There the faints fha!l ha_ve _ th~ cloud of glory, the divine prefence, with mofi intima te, 1ilninterrupted comrnun~~n with God :' there they _{hall have Jefus Chrifl as the trne .atk, wherein the £ery law !hall be for hid from their eyes; and the mercy~feat, fromwhich. JlOthivg-fh •ll be breathed, but everlafling peace and goodw -~•ill towards them ; th-e cherubims, the fociety of holy an- , ~els, who fnall joio with them in eternal ?-dmiration of the my'ltery of Chrifl : the goJdeii' t,andleflicN., with its [even lamps; for the glory of God do{h.lighten it, and the . the light there'of, .Rev. xxi. 23. : The incen/e-ultar~ in the in· tercd li••o of Chrift) who ever liveth t• make interceflionfr;r them• .tieb. vii: 2 5. eternally exh}biting the' merits of his rle;uh and , and efficacioufly willing for ever, that thcfe "W~honj the Father bath given, him, be rwith him : and the}hew bread table, in 1be perp_et,ual feaft, they .fhall have toge ~ her , in 1he enjn,- mcnt of God. This leads me more p;~rticular ly to,)er, · IX. 'The foci e~y .,i-n tbit kinRdom. What. woul d. royal power and authorty., e_nfif! ns of royalty, richeO: treafure s, ¥'Dd all other advantages of a kingdom, a\·ail . without com– f0rtable f0c;ie-ty ? Some crowqed heads have had but .a forr y L fe t h rqngh the want of it- : th ~ ir pa!aces have been but. unto them as prifons, and their badges of bcncur as chains (; 0 a .r rifoner; wh ~ e hated of a! I, they ha,d rzone rhey co·uld tru fi: i n. er whom they could have comfortable fellowfhip with . ~-~ t~e c.ilirJ rut of he,ven's happinefli lies in the b!effed · focietJ