Head V. Tb i Society of the SaintJ, 379 focie-ty the faints fhall have there. For deariog of which, confici'er thefe few things. Firfi, The fociety of the faints, among themfelveCJ, will ' ' · be no fmall part of heaven's happinefs. The· communion of faints on earth is highly prized by all thefe who ilte travel– ling through the world unto Zion: and compmioos in fin c<in -, never have ·fucp true pl~afure and delight io one another, as fometimes the ·Lord's people have in praying .together, anp conveding about thefe things whicMbe world is a £hanger to. Here the faints are but few in a company, at belt; and fome of them are fo p,o!led, as that they feem to tbem– felves to dwell a'lme: havi_ng no accefs to fuch as they could freely unbofom themfelves to, in the matter of their fpiritual cafe. They figh and fay, lf/o if me, for I am ,aJ ~ben they have gathered the ' fummer ftuits-· there is nt~ clujler to eat- -the good man is perijhed out ~f the earth, Mic~th vii. 1 ~ z. But in the g'eneral aJ1embly of the jir.fl· born in heaven, none of all the faints, who ever were, or will be on the earth, {hall be miffing~ . They will be all of them · toge ther in one place, all poffefs one kingdom, and all fit down together to the marriage · fupper of the Lamb. Here the befl: of the faints want not their finful imperfections, making their fociety J.efs corn fortable : buuher~ they ilia!I be perfeCt, without [Pot or wrin#e, or any jitch,thirlg, Eph , v. 27. ·And--all natural, as well as finful imperfeCtions .are then · done away j they !hall Jhine as the brightnefi of the jirma• . ' .. \ ment, Dan. xu. ·3· · There we will fee A dam and Eve in the heavenly paradife, freely eating of the tree o.f life; Abraham, lfaac, and Jacob and all the holy patriarchs no more wandering from land to land, but come to their e·verlafiiog refi; all the prophets feeding their eyes on the glwy of him, of whofe coming they propheGed; the twelve Apofiles of the Lamb, fitting on their twelve thrones' ; all the h9ly rpanyrs in their long white robes, with their crowns on their heads; the godly kings advan'ced to~ kingdom which cannot be moved; and them that turn many to t·ighteoufne(r, fhining at thejlarJ for , ,ver and ever. There will we fee our godly frieodg , relations and acquaintances, pillar! in the temple ofGod, tog• tzo more out from us. And it is more than probabie, that the faints will know one another in heaven;. that, at leafi, - they