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g8o Societ)' •xnitlJ th Ahge!J. 1 Shte V,.~. they will ktiow their friends, relatives, and thefe they were-· acquainted with on eanh, and fuch as have be-en molt eminem in the church-: howbeit t bat knowledge will be purg...a fiOin a·ll eanh]y thoughts and afF.;&-ioris. This feems to be· "- included in that perfe&i;>n ofh<!ppinefc; ·-to which the faints · fha:l be advanced rhe1e. If Adam knew who and wha't . Eve was, at fir!l Ggh,t, when the Lord God brtmght her to,; him, (Gen. ii. 23, 24,. ) .why fhould.1ooe queflion; but huf. b-t"lds and wives. parents and children, will know e;~cb . other in glory ?' If rh~ 'T,~ejfalonians, conv~rted by·P aul's ~ mioilhy, fnall be his cro•wn oj\rcjoicilft{{.in tl;e t;rifence of · #ur Lord JejuJ Ghrifl, at his coming, 1( 1 Theff. ii. I 9 ) Why may not one conclude, that mioillers fhalJ know their~ · people, and 'people their minifters in heav-en-?' Arid ifthe~· (lifciples, on ,the mount of tran:fii~urdtion, knew JlllfJfu and" Elia.r, whom they hf!d never fr.: en b~ £ore, (!rfattb . .xvii. 4 ) . we have·ground to think w·e {h~ll know them too, and f..Ick ' as they, when· we coiue th heaven. Thecommunionoffaints {hall be moll intimate \here; tht:_Y /hallfit dt;<"J.)tJ r<J.Jith :1bra>.·· ham,.._ lfaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom ofheaven, I\tLmh. viii l r. L.;zarus wal> cani~d by the angels· into rlbraham·~~ bojom, (Luke xv.i. 2 3,) which de'\'; otes n1oft intimate and · f~mi)iar f>)ciety, , ~~nd though divedify of to•<g·uesfhail o-eafe., ( r Cur ,xiii 8 ) I make no quefiion, but there will be an uf~ of fpeech io ·heaven; and that the faints will glorify God iA · their bodies there, as •.vdl as in their fpirits, fpenking forth' his praifes v:ith an audible voice . .(As for the langu.age, we fh;;_IJ underfiar.d what it is, when we come thither ) \.Vhen Pau! was caught up tc~ tha third heaven,. the· feat of the. h1e1fed, he heard the ·e unfpeakable w~rd.r, which it iJ ?IOI-· h'V..{ltlfor a man to utter, '7 Cor . xii. 4· JVlofes and EJia.r, on the mount wi1h Cbtiil, talked with him, l';Tatth. xvii. 3· andJPake of hh deceafe ru.rhicb he lhouldaccompl!!hat Jeruja- - 1ern, Luke i x 3 1 • ~ · S~condly, The foints will have the fociety of all fhe holy· angel::; there, An inmnnerable company of angels fhall be companions to them in their glonfied !late. Happy were · the fhepherds, who heard the fong ofthe l1eavenly hofl-; when Chrifl: was born ; but thrice happy tbey, who !hall · join their voices with theirs, in the quire offaints and an;. g~, heaven,. when he !h.aU be gi_oriJied in all, who .!haH ' " &e:~ ' .·