Head V: Communion r.J.Jith God j8t be ahont him there. Then fhall we be brought acquaint~· ed with the b!died ipirits., who never fim)ed·. Howbri;ht ! will thefc morning-H:ars Jhine in the holy place t they were miniilring fpirits to the heirs of falvatlon, lovea them for their L1'1rd and MaHer's fake ; encamped round al?out them, to ' preferve them from danger; how · .fojfully will they welcome them to their everla(ling ha– hi .ations ; and rejoice to fee them. come at length to their kingdom, as the tutor cloth in the Erofperity of his pupiJ~! '.f'he f4ints G1all be n0 mpre afraid of them, as-fometi~es they were wont to be· ; they Hull then have put off all mortality, and infinnit!es of the fl::Jh, and be them– felves, a.r the angt:!s of God, fit to eiHertain communion and t~llow{h-ip with theie fhi~ing ones. And both: being brought under one hedd, the Lord Jefus Chrifl:; they {hall join _in the praif.:s ot God and of the Lamb, foying# 'With a loud VQice~ urort~y is the LatlJh that was"J!ain , &c. Rtv.v. t r, 12. \Vhether the angels {ball (as i(nne think) a!Iiln?e their airy bodies-, that tl~cy m~y be feen -by the" hodily: eyes of the fa:ints·, and be in nearer capac-ity to eonverfe· wbh ~hem, I know not; but as they want not way~ of C,OllV\!rfe among th,.emfelves, we have reafon tG~ think, that converfation betwixt them and the fajnts, fhall n~ot be for ever blocked up. . Lafl!y Tl1ey £hall have fo~iety with the L6rd him.felf 1n lie.aven, ·glorious communion with God and Chrifi, which is the perfection ofhappinefs. 1 clnile to fpeak of com– munion with God and the man Chrifl together; t?ecaufe ·a? we d'lfive our grac~ from th~ Lamb, fo. we ;rill"?e· 1/lVe our~-g-lory fro!Tl hun. too, the man Chnft bemg (t£ I . xpa.y be allowed the ex.preffion) the centre of the divine glt>ry in hraven, f~om whence it is difFufed un.w a.Jl ·the faints. This feems t~ /be tau ght us by the:f:; icriptures, which exprc fs h eaven's h ?. ppinef~ by being wi .h Chrift ; Luke xxiii. 43 · This da_:r j~::; a/t th )u be wif h,me in paradjfe. John xvii. 24. Fat her, l will tha"t !_hej e aljo, ".JJbom thou hafl given me be with nu And rema rkable to lhis pur– pofe is what follows, tf.,at they may bcf·o!dmy_ g!on·, 1 T h-:-ff. iv. 17. Sojh?lll•weever be •with iht•f.()r d, to wi t, the Lor::l C ill:, whom we fhall meet in the air. This alfo feems ' la be the import ,of thefe {criptures, wherein God and the r ' \