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State IV. the Lamb', the !lain Saviour, are jointly fpoken of, ia the point of the happin~fs of the faints in heaven: R_ev. vii. 17. for the Lamb,which iJ in th~ midfl of th~ throne, jhallfled them, andjh/:r/1 lead them unto livingfount~ins o.f "tuater.F: and Godjha/1 wipe a<rth1Y all tears from their eye1. Chap. xxi. 3. Behold th~ tabernacle of God iJ with men, and he 'wi/1 dwell with I hem, to wit, as in a tabernacle (fo the word fignifies) that 'is, in the fleih of Chrifi, (compare. John i. 14') and ver. 2 2. 7h~ Lord God Almighty, and th~ Lamb are the temple of it. Here lies the chief l1appinefs of . the faints in heaven, that without which they could nev:er he happy, thti lodged in that glorious place, and bidEd with the {ociety ot angels there. What I will adventure to fay of it., ihali be comprized in ' three things. ,Ijl, The faints in heaven fhall have the glorious pre~ fence of God, and of the J_,amb: God himfeifjha/1be wit' them, Rev. xxi. 3· And they !hall et;er be with the Lord. God is every where prefent in· refpeCl: of his elfence; the faints militant lnve his fpecial gracious prefence_,.. but in heaven they ha-ve his glorious prefence. There they are brought near to the throne of the great Kipg, and ftand before him; where he ihews his inconceivable glory. There they have the tabernacle of God, on which the cloud of glory refis, the all: glorious human !!_ature of Chfill, wherein the fulnefs of the Godhead dwells, not vailed as in the days of his humiliation, but ihining through that bleifed flefh (that a :l the faints may behold hi~ glory) an~ making that body more glorious than a thoufand inns: fo -~ that the city has r:o need of the fun, nor of the moon, but the glory oj God doth lig,~tm it, and the Lamb i1 the l~g ht thereof, (properly, the candle there{)[) Rev. xxi. 23. i.e. The Lamb is the luminary. or luminous body, wh ich gives light to the city; as the fun and moon now give li ght to the 'wodd, or as a c:mdle lightens a dark room: and 1he light procee9ing' from tha! glorious luminary for the city is the gloryof God. Sometimes that candle burnt very dim, . it was hid under a bufhel in the lime of his hu– miliati on; but- that, now and then, it darted out fome rays' of this light, w hi eh dazzied the eyes of the fpe.Cl:a– tors: but now it is fet on higl1, in the city of God, where it ihines, and i,hall ihine for ever, in perfeclion of glory. It . ,