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( 383 It was fometimes laid afide as a !lone difallowed of the builders; but now it is, and for ever will be, tht: light or luminary of'that city; and that, like unto a flone mofi precious, even like a j afper ,flone clear,as cryfial, ver. 1 I. Who can conceive the happinefs of the faints, in the prefence-chamber of the great King, where ·he fits in his cJlair of !late, making his glory eminently to appear in the man Chrill? His gracious prefence makes a mighty change qpon the faints in this world:' h!-s glorious prefence inhea– ven then muft needs fcrew qp their graces to their per- · fecrion, and-elevate their ~apaciti~s. Tile faints 'do ex– perience, _that the prefence of Gvd now with them in his grace, can make a little hea-yen of a fort of hell: how. great then muLl: the~lory of heaven be., by his prefence there in his glory! lfa candle, in fome fort, beautifies' a. cottage 'Or prifon, how wjll the :fhining fun beautify a palace or paradi(e ! The gracious prefence of God made a wildernefs lightfome to Mo{es, the valley of the ihadow pfdeath to David, a fiery fUI·.riace to the three children: what a raviihing beauty lliall then arife from the Sua of righteouf11efs, fhining in his meridian brightnefs on the O:reet of the city laid with This glorious pre– (ence of God in 11-eavenwill put glory on the f~ints them– fel~~s. The pleafarLtell gat'den hath no beauty, when the _ darkne~s of the night Gts down on it; but the fl1ining fun puts a glory on the blackell: mountains~ fo thefe who are I}OW as botJes,in thP,: {i:noak, when fet in the glorious prefence of-Clod, will be glorious both in foul and body. zd!y, The faints in heaven :fhall have the full enjoyment · o.fGod and of the Lamb. This is it that perfectly fatisfies · the rational creature; and h~re is the faints everlafting r.eR:. This will make .up all their wants, and fill the defires ' of tlieir fouls, which, after all here obtained, frill cry, Give giv!, not without fo;ne anxiety ~; beca1~fe though they enjoy God, yet they do not enjoy him fully. As w the way and m·mner of this enjoyment, our Lord tells us John xvii. 3· 'ThiJ i1 l~fe eternal, .that t.~ey may kltiJ<V the~ the only true God, aad Je[u.J Chrifl wh?m. thou hafi (ent. Now there are two ways, how a defi rable objeCt is known mo'l perfectly and Cttisfyingty; the one is by fight , the oth! r by experience; · fi6ht [~ti5fies the underll:anding, · · and