State IV. . . and experience fatisfies the will. According·ly one ma-y fay, that the faints enjoy God and the Lamb in heaven, (1.) By an intuit!ve ki10wledge. ( 2.) ~y an expcrimen ... tell knowledge, both of tht::m perfect, I- mean, in refpeCl: ot the capacity of the creature; for otherwife a creature's perfeCt: knowledge of an infinite being is impoffib1e. The 1 f~lints below enjoy·God, in that knowledge they have df him, by report, from his holy word which they he'Iieve ;~ they fee him, l!kewife d::sk!y in the glafs of•ordinances, which do, as it were, reprefent the bridegroom's piCtu~e, or fhadow, while he is abfent; they have alfo [!()me ex– periment_al knowledge oFhi~, t\ley t..afle that God iJ good, and that the Lord iJ graciouJ. Bm theJaints above fhall not need a good report of the King, they {hall fee hiin.- , :t:elf; therefore faith ceafeth: they will behold his own fac~:; therefore ordinances are no·more~ there is no need 'of .a glafs: they ihall drink, and drir~k abundantly of that whereof they have tailed; and fo hope ceafeth, for they are at the utmofi bounds of theix d ..: fi res . · I. The faints in heaven ihall enj oy_God and the Lam:b, by fight, and th:lt in a moH: perfe8: manner. ' C~r . xiii. 12. For n?w rwi!foe thrC'ugh aglajJ dark'y, bui thenfacet~ fitce, Here our f1ght is bnt mediate, as by a glafs, in which we fee not things themfe!ves , but the of things; but there we fhall have an immed iate •iiew' of God and the Lamb. Here our k~owledge is but obfcHre; there it fhall be clear wi thou t the Jeafr mix ~ure of dark- · n~fs. The Lord cloth now converfe with his faints, t:hro·• the lattdfes of ordinances; but fhen fl1a0ll they be in the prefence-chamber with him. There is a v~ii now on the glo1 ious face, as to us; bnt v.·hen we come to the upper– hou !e, -that vail, th1·o,' which fome rays of beauty are no·.v darted, will be found ent1reJy taken off; and rhen fhall glorious excellencies ar..d, perfecti<ms, not feen in him by mortals, be clearly difcovered, for we fhall fee hiJ face, Rev. xxii 4 The phra.fe feems to ·be bon'owed from the honour put on fome in the courts of monarchs, to be· at– tendants on the king's perfon. vYe read 7cr_. lii. 2 (of flv:n mt·n.of them that •were· (Heb. jeen o/ the kinx'J lace, i.e. as we re2.d it) near .the ,~ing'J pe.,/on. 0 unfpeakable ~lory! the great King keeps his court in heaven; and . t~e