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·Head V;.~: ~nd the Lamb. 3~5 the fain;s fuall all ·he his courtiers~ ever near the King's perfon, feeing his face. The throne of Go./ and~( the La..mb, jhall be fn it, and his firvaniJ jhall ferve hrm, . and they jl?all fie hh face, Rev. ~xii. 3· ~· . . . . (I.) they {hall fee jefus Ch·nll Wtth thetr bodtfy eyes, fince he will never.lay afide the human nature . . They will always behold that glorious blefTed body, which is per– '- f.onally united to the divine nature, ,and exalted rar above principalitie~ ~rnd po:vers,, and every n~me th~t ts ~amed. 'There we wtll fee wtth our eyes, that very boay whtch was ~orn of Mary ~t Bethle/;em, and crucified at .Jerufalan, betwixt two thieves; tha t ble fl"'cd bead th~t was crowned with thotns ; the face that was fpit upon; the hand; and' feet that w~re nailed to the, crofs; alll11ining with inconceivable glo,.. ry. · The glory of the man ChrHl: will attra(l the eyes of all the faints, and lYe will be for ever admired in all them thttt /;e/ieve~ 2 Theif. i, 10. 1Wt,;re each Llar, iri the heavenf1 1 fhining a,s the fun in its merrdian brightnefs, and the light of the fun fo increafed, as the ll:ars, in that cafe, · fbould pear the fame proportion to the fun , in point of light, that they do now; it might p ~}ffibly be fome faint refemblance of the glory of the man Chdfl:, in comparifon with that of ~he f&iots: for though the faintsjhalljhi!Jeforth aJ th~.futt: y~t n ot they, hut the ~amb, fha!J be the ligh.t of the city. T he wi fe men fell down arid worfhipped him, wl1en they faw him ayoung child, 'with Mary .hiJ mother, .in th; houfo•.. But 0 ! what a ravifhing fight will it be to fee him in !-lis king... ~om, on his thron.e, at the Father's right h <tnd! The wori .''WaJ made jlefb (j chn i. I 4·) and the glory qf God fhali fh ine through th at -ftdh, and the joys of he;ivim fp1ing out from it, unto th <! faints, who ili all fee and enjoy God in Ch;ifl. For qoce the union b~tw(xt/Chrifl: and the faints is , ever difTolved, but they continu t~ his members f~r ever; and the members cannot draw their life, but from their Head. feeing that which .is independent on th~ bead, as to vital in.– l1 uence ; is no member; th.ere fo re Jefus Chrifl: will remain .t he everlafiing bond of union be twixt God and the faints; frcm whence their eternal life fha ll fp'ring, John xvii . 2 , ~. Tbou baJl g iven him power over all jlejh, that h~ fhrmid t,ive eterna!'life to ttJ many aJ thou ha_;1 gi1jen him. And tl:iJ h life eternal; lbat they maJ km.w 11"~ lli~ Mlj.tru: K k G~~_,_