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Cod, .&c.. Ver. 22, 23. And the glory '1L1 fic!J tho~gavefinM, ' j have gh1en them, that the)' maJ' btJ om, even aJ we t~rt ()?le: l in them, aJJd thou in me, that thr:y may be mad( ptr· fefl in one. \Vherefore the immediate er.joym~nt of God in heavep is to be underfi·ood, in refpetl: of rhe laying afide of word and facramtnts, :;md -fych external means , as w~ enjoy God by in this world ; but not, as if the (aiots thould then caft off their dependence on their .Head for vital influ– ences : nay, the Lamb <r.•;hich iJ in the mzdfl of th~ throne, j!,-:zl! feed them, andJhalllead them unto living fount_qinf : ofwaten, Rev. vii. r7. · · Now, when we {hall behold him, who died for us, tl1 at we might live for evermore, whofe matchlefs love made him fwim through the Red":.[ea of God ;s wrath, to ~11ke a path in the m!dfl: of it for us~ by which we ln:ty pa fs fafei,y to ·Canaan's land: tbeo we will_fee what a glorious one 'h~ was, who fuffered all this for us; what ente.naiment he had in the upper·houfe; what hal'lelr.Jahs -of angels could not hin.., der him to hearthe ·groans of a periihi r.g muhitude on earth, and to come down for their heip; and whal a g!ory he laid a!ide for us . . Then will we be more able to comprehend with all faintJ, what if the bre,adth, and length, and depth, and ~eighth: and to know the love ofC.~rifl, which pa.J1et6 'knowledge, Eph. iii. 18, 19. \Vhen the Lliots fh-ail remember, ' ·that the waters of Wrath he was plunged into, are rb'e \\.'ells of faivation from whence they draw all their j oy ; that they •have got the cup _of f,ilvation, in exchange of the cnp of ''' rath his 'Father gave him to drink, wh;ch his finlds hu - . man Dlture fuivered at : how will their hearts feap withia thems burn with feraphic love, like coal s of juniper, and the arch of h·eaven ring with their fongs of fa!vation ? The Jer:.l.JJ celebrating the feafi of tahernac;!cs , (which was the moll joyful of all tht:ir f~1fh, and ~atled f.::ven days) went once every day about the altar, finging hofanna, with -their rnyrtle, palm and willow-branches in their hand, (the two· ·form~r figns of, viCtory, the la{t of clvf~ity ) in ~1e n1ean time bending the)r l;>oughts towards the altar . .. \i'\rh~n · the f?.i nts are preft:nr~d as a ch'atl:e virgin to Chri(l. and a~ con– querors have got their palms in thr:ir handr., lao\~ joyfully will they compafs t-he <!!tar evermore, and iin-g their ho{~no·as. or pather thei~ hail,el ilj:ths .abcrJt it, beoding .~he!r p~!ms · · towards