Head V, and the Lamb. tow:.tds it; acknowledging lhemfelves to owe all un to the Lamb th<Jt v;as fhin, and redeemed thetlll ~ith hi s blood ! and t0 thi s agre;s what John faw, Rev. vii. ~9, 1 o. A great multi:ude-Jlo?d befor~ t .~·e throne , and btfort tb'e Lamb, clothed r._uith '7.!;/iite robes , rind palm! in their ha'ndJ: llml ci·ied tz:.Jjth a loud f.'Cia, fayhg , Salvation to -cur Godrtvhich jt':t et h upfJn the th•rone, and unto t he Lamb. (;~ .) T hey fhall fee God, !Vlatth . v. g. They will be happy in f-:eing the F:athn , so·n, and Holy Ghoft (not with th e ~r bociily eyes, in re{peCl of which God is invifible, 1 Tim. i. 17. but) wi th the eye£ of their underflanding; being bldt with the moll perfeCt, full, and clear knowl edge of God and C.i vine things, which the creature is cap.able of. Th~s is called the beati fi c vifJon, and is the perfeCtion of the un– detffalia ing, tlfe. lHrnofl term thereof. It is but an obfcure delineation of 1 be glory of God, that mortals can have on earth; a fight, as it we1·~t of his back partr, Exod. xxxii i. 23. But there they will fee his face, Rev. >:Jf.i. 4· They · lhall ft:e him in the fuloefs of ,his glory, ~nd behold him fi xediy; vihereas·, it· is but a palling view they can have of h'im here, Ex~d xxxiv. 6. There is a vafi difference be· t-~ixt the Gghtpf ~ ki_ng in ~is night~!=lothes, quickly paffing by us ; and a fiixed leifure view o,f him fining on his throne j,n !iis' r·oyal r6bes ; his crown upon his head, anct ·his fceptre , io bis hand: fuch .a dHference will there , be, between the gr'eatefi manifellatioo of God that ever a faint had O'n earth, ' and the difplay ofhis glory that lhall b'e feen in heaven. Thete the faincs fhall e~eroa.lly, without intenn,ption.- feed .. their eyes upon l?Jm, ind be ever vi-ewing his glorious per· fettions. And <}s/ thtir bodily eyes !hall be fireog-thent'd .and fiJted t9 .~h-etrb!d the gro1ious. majeHy of the man ChriJl; as · ~a-gies g4ze on the fu:il, without ·being blinded thereby j fo thei ; -minds fn all lHiv_e fucb a'n elev'atibn, as will fit them to ' f-ee God in his glory: their cC!pacities {hall 'be enlarged, accor.r.li ng to the meafur~e in which he fhal1 ·be pleafed to· com– municate himfelf un to them for their compleat happioe-f.~. , This bhfsful fight of God,, being quite above our prefent · cap <: cities, we mufr needs be much in the dark about it. But it feems to be fomething effe, than _th€ fight ·Qf that glory which we \Vill fee _with our bod ily eyes, io the faints, :and io th~ man Cbrin, or any other fpJer.doJ or refuJgence,- K k 2 ' from