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Full F.njcymenl of God, State IV. from the Godhead whatfoever: f~r no cr~"ated thing can be our chief good and, happinefs, nor fully fatisfy our fouls ; and it is plain, t.hat thefe things are fomewhat different ffom God himfelf. Therefore I conceive,. that the fouls of the faints {hall fee God himfelf: fo the fcriptures teach us, that we £hall Je.e flee to fa Le, and know even r;zr we are knou:n, 1 Cor. xiii. r 2. And that wejha/1 fee him aJ hf' if, 1 j 0l1n iii. 2. Howbeit the faint~ can never , hav~ an adequate con– ception of God; they c~oot comprehend that ~hich is in– finite. They may touch rhe mountain, but cannot grafp it in their arn1s. They cannot with one glance of their eye, behold.what grows on everyfide: buuhedivine perfeClions . will be an unbounded field, in which the glorified ihall walk t(ternally, feeing more and more of God; fioce they can ne· ver come to the end of that which is infinite. Th~y may bring their veif~ls to this ocean every moment, and fill them witlr new .waters. What a ravilhing fight would it be, ta fee all the peijtCl:ions, and lovely qualities, that are fcatter ed here and there among the creatures, gathered together into one ! but even fuch a fight would he infinitely 'below this lilifsful fight the faints fhal1 have in heaveo. For they fhall fee God,·in whom all thefe perfeCtions {hall eminently appear v.:ith ir:fioitely more, whereof there is no vefiige to be (QtJnd in the creatures. In him fha)l they fee every thing ddireabl;.:, and nothing but ~hat is deiit_eable. , Then fl1all they be perfect!y fati:;fied, as to the lpve of God towards them, which they are now ready to quefiion on every turn. 1'hey' will be no more fet to perfuade them– felves ·of ·it, by mat ks, figns·-and teftimonies. : t~ey _:will bav~ an intuitive knowledge of it. They fhall (with t11e profoundefi tevt re.ncc be it fpoken) look into the h~artpf ,. God and th-ere fee tht love he bore to them fr9m all ete r: ' \ . . .... nity, and the love and good· will he will bear to them for evermore. Tbe glorified !hall have a mofi clear and di– Hioet underfhnding of divi11e Uufhs, for_in bii ligh(.. we /hall fee light, Pfal. xxxvi. 9• The light. of glory will be ~ compleat commentary on the BibJe., aod)oofe alJ the hard ~nd knotty quefiions in divinity. The1e is no joy on e-a.rth, cornpara-ble to that which arifeth from 'the ~~fcover.y of tr u~h ; 110 difcovery of t ttJth comparable to the d1fcovery of fcnp· ture truth, made by the S;iiit iJf the Lord linto the foul,– . . I