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1 rejaict ~ ~ t!y 'Word, fays the P falmi ft, tu one that findeth great fpoil , P fal. cxi~ . I 62. yet it is' but an impePfecl d if· · covery we have of it'while here. Hpw raviihing then ~vill it be to fee the opel).ing ofth·e whole treafure hid in that Held! They !hall alfo be let into the und~rll:and in;; of the works of God. The beauty of the •yorks of creat ion a~d providence will then befet in a du.e light: Naturai know– l edge will be brought to ·perfecrion by the light of glory. The 'web of providence, concerning the chm·ch, and aH ' men whatfoever, will then be cut Oh t,• and laid beft.,re the eyes of the faints : a,nd it will appe-ar a moft beautif~tl mixture; fo as they illall ail fay together,' on the view of it, He hath done all thh~rJ well. But in a fpecial manner the work of redemption fnall be the eternal wonder of J. he· fai nts, and they will admire and praife the glorious col1• t'rivance for ever. Then !hall they get a full v1 ew or W> {uitablenefs to the"'Jivine perfe:frions, and to the cafe of ' !inners; and clearly read. the covenant thacpafl betwi~et he tt'ather and the Son, from all eternity, touching the~~ Jalvation. They £hall for ever wonder and pr aife, and praife and wond'er, at th·e myfferie,s of wifdotn and4ove, good nefs and holinefs, mercy and ju·llice, appe~; ring ,in the glorious device. ~ Their fouls fhall be eternally fatis- , fied with the fight of God himfelf, . and of the iJ; "efct-1ion · · by the Father; their·redemption· by the S.on: and.·appE.. cation ther<:of to them by the holy Spirit. 2. 'the faints in heaven £hall enjoy God in Chr~ft b:y ex.-. . per imental kn-owledge, w11iclr is, when the .ol:>ief.l itfelf is given anu pnffdfed. This is the ·p.artici:p~tiPn of the divine goodnefs in full meafllre, which is the--perfection of the wiU~ and utmoll: term thereof. . The Lamb}ha,// lead th-em ·unt; livingfoun·tainJ of:.-l})aterJ, Rev.-vii. 1 '7 ~ Thefe a-re :no o· ther but God·.- hi::-nfe'Jf;L.the fountain cf'living watets, who w~ll fuHy~-ud freely corrimunicate--.himfelf unto them. · He. ·~nU pour out of his goodnefs el:er na\ly into t hei r. foul ~: and . the~ fhall they h~ve ·a rnofi lively fenfation; in· the' inner· mot1 part of their fouls, of all th~H g(i)odoefs they heard of, and believed to be in him; and of what they -fee in him b1 · the light of glory. This wili· be an everla_ftidg practical ex– p~!ition .of ·tbat word, which men' and aogels ·canoot .-ful11" · CJ{.ntly _ unfold~ ' to wit, ;G~d himfelffoall..--bc their:· God;, ·~- K. k .j . l(:,;.'( " •