ago Full Enjoymcnt ofGod; &c. State IV. Rev. xxi. 3. God will communicate himfelf unto them ful– ly·! they will DO more be fet tO tafte of the fheams of divine r,oodncfS in ordinances, as they were wont, bu't {hall .drink at the fouctain· head. They v: ill be no more entertained with fips and drops, but filred with aH the fu1nefs · of God. And this will be the entertainment of every faint: for, 7 though ia created things, what is given to one, is with– lHJd from anothu; yet a~ infinite good, can fu]!y commu– nicate itfelf to all, and fill all. Thefe who are heirs .of God, the great heritage, fhall then enter into a full po!fdE.on of their inher'itance : and the Lord will open his tre4fures _of £OOdnefs un~o them, that their enjoyment may be full. They 111all 'l\l'tlt be flinted to any me-afure; but the enjoy– ment fhalJ go as far as their enlarg~d ·capacities can re3ch. i1s a nanow velfel canriot contain the ocean, fo neith er can the finite creature comprehend an infinite good : but no rneaJure fhall be fet to the enjoymen t, but what arifeth, from the capacity of the creature. So that, although there be. degrees of glo·r.y, yet all fb~lJ be fi lled, and have what they can hold ; though forne will be capable to hold more , than otherY, there will be no \vaot to any of them, all llull be fully fatis'fied, and perfectly bldfed in the full enjoyment of divinegooClnds, according to thdr enlarged capacities. As when' bot.t!es of differt:nt fiz cs are filled , fome cor.tain more, othen1efs; yet all of' them have what they can cont;;;.in. The glorified)hall h~ve ~11~ in God, for the fati J~ fa(tion of all their defires. No created thing can afford fatisfaCl:ion to·aU ()Ur defires ~ - cl oaths may war-m us. but they cannot feed m~ tbe light i' comfortable, but cannor: nourilh us. But in God we fh~ll fi\.ve oll our defires, and we' fha!l defire r.othing without him "They fball be the happy on rs ; that - C'tfile nothing but what is truly defi re:1ble; and withal hae ail they qefire. God will be a!/ i11 a!t-.t.o. the f~ints: he will be their life, health, rtches, honour, peace~ r-:· ·l alr good things. He will conJmunicate himfelf freely to th->1} ; the cdo-ot .of accefs to him fhall never be !hut again, for one mo– n' ent. They may, when they wi11, take of the fruits ~l ,.., the tru.?f:Jjfe, for th~v will _find _it on e~ch ~de the r!vtr~ Rev. xx11 . 2· ' Tl1ere wdl be no vatl betwtxt Go.:! aPd them. to be drawn afide; but his fulnefs fhall .ever fiand apen to t~ew. No door to knock at in: 1 .heaven; .no afldrg to g<? . · - · before