3-,~t Fulnefi if .ftPJ. State ·tv•. ed, they than ·not or1ly ePjoy God, but reH in the enj oy· ment withlinex.preflible joy and fatisfaetion. The•defire of· earthly · things brt:eds tbr rn ern, and the enjoymeor of: them.. often ends in loathing: Hut though the glorified (aints '!halJ ever defire more and ·more of God, their de!ires fh •dl not be rnixt witH-the Jeail anxietyc, ftnce the fu!nefs .of the God· headlta.nds always open to ' them; the;eforc:; they }hall him– ger no more, they !hall not ·h·ave the leafi uneafinefs, in their· eternal ap·petite after: the hidden· manna: neither fhaH con– tinued enjoyment breed l~athing : t-hey fhaJl nevenh~nk they bave too much ; therefore it is added, neithn· jha!J the ju11; ·light on them, mr any beat, Rev. vii. r6. The enjoyment, of God and the Lamb -will be ever frdh and new to them, through tbe ages of eternity: for ' tl~ey fuall'{}rink of Jiving fountahn of 'W.aterJ, where. new waters are continually fpr~•1ging up in aGundance, wr. 17. They fh.tN eat of the tree of hfe, which, for variety·, affords twelve mamur oj' fruits, and thefe always new and ' frefh, (or it yie·lds tveryff20llth, Rev; xxii, 2. Their j9y fuall be pure a~d unmixed, without any-dregs of forrow; 'not flight and momentary, btH folid a.nd evcrlafiing, without ioterruprion. They will enter into joy, Matth. xxv. ::n. Enter ihou into the joy of thyr· Lord. The exptd11on .is f:omewhat unufual, and b;:in-gs me, io mind oftbat wor. d of our fuffering Redeemer, !Vlarkxiv. ~ ;4. ft{y foul iJ exceeding.forrow/ul'unto · death. His· foul w-es befet with forrows, as the word there ufed, will bear, the floods of for-row wect round abom him, encomp.a:ilin:g , him on every hand : whitherfoever he turned his eyes; {or tow : w~s before him; it .fprang·io ·Hpvn him from hcav·en, earth~ ~ and hell, ail at once~ thus ·Was he entred·" into forro,~; and-– therefore faith, Pfal: lxrx. 2'; 1 ~m co·me intc deep:~aten, <Where theflr;odJ -ov-erflow me. Now, wherefore ·all this, but '' th'at his own might enter in'fo j:;y :: Joy-· foinetimes enths in• to us now, with much,: ado to·gecaccefs·, while we are com– pdfed with forrows; but ,then joy fhaHnot only enter into·,. us, but we fual! enter into it, and fwim for ever io an ocearr of joy; where we iball fee nothing but joy, .whitherfaevet :; we turn our ,eyes: The prefence and e·njoyment · Qf God- :,: and the Lamb ·will fatisfy us with pleafures for evermore; ; and the glory of our ,fouls and bodies, arifiog from thence, . ~ill afford us. evedafiing ~deligbt• • The fpirit of heavinefs,· . ' ·· ' howw ... .