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Head V. The SaintJ Admi.!JiotJ, &c. ~93 how c!ofely foever it cleaves to any of the faints now !hall drop off then: rheir \~eepiog fhall he turned into fongs of jo}, and P6tdes of tears fhall ifrue in rivers of p'eafures. Happy t,hey who now fow in tears, which {hall fpring up iG joy, in ~eaveo, an,d bow their heads there V{ith a weight of elory upon them. 'fhu~ far ofthe (os;iety in this kingdom of the faints. ·-x. In the !aft place, The·kingdom {hall ~ndure for ever. As every thing in it is eternal, fo the faints fhall have an un– doubted certainty and full a!furance of the e17r nal duratioll of the fame. This is a nece!fary ingredient in perfetl ha.ppi- · nefs: for the leafi uncertainty, as to the continuance of any good with one, ~s not without fame fear, anxiety and tor– ment: and therefore is utterly inconGfient with perfect hap· pinefs. · But the glorified fhall never have. f.e ) r, nor caufe of fear, of any lofs: they {hall be evo' rwiih the Lord, 1 Theff. iv. 17. They fhall a!l attainJhe ft.ill. perfua-fion, that no· thing fhall be ab.le to feparate. them from the love of .G.od., nor f10m the full enjoyment of him for ever. The inhe· rilaoce reftrvl!d in heaven iJ incorrttjltible; it bath no prin– ciple of corruption in itfelf, to make it liable to de~ay, but endures for evex mor_e: It is undeftled; ne thing from with· o.ut cao _mar its beauty, nor is there· any thing in itfelf t• otfe.nd thofe who enjoy it: And therefore ~tfadeth mt a~ rway; but ever remains in its native luflre, and primitive heauty, I Pet. i. 4· Hitherto of the nature of the kingdom of heaven. · . . Seco~dly, . Prqceed we now to fpeak of the admiffion of _t~1e. faints into this their kingdom; where -~ f11a!l briefly touch t:pon two things, ( 1,) The. f~: mal adn~.dlion, io the call u·nra them from the Judge, to cometo 1heir kingdom.• r2'.) The CitJality:in which they are admined and..- intro~ duced to it. · . - . . · · J. Their 'Crdmz!jion tl1e text lhews to r)e by :o voice from _. t_he throne ; t be , K;ng to them from the throne, before angels ao·rt .men, t() .come to their kingdom. Cc,me and go are but fhort words: . bot thEy will be - fucJJ a~ v,ill . afford rnatter ·of thought to all mankind, through t he agee. of et ernity; , fince ppon the one depe.nds everl a !tit~-r, happin ~;:f~, . ana upon the other everl~lti n g mifery. Now ou r Lo rd bids the worfi of finners 1 who hear the gofpel, - Conu: tnlt the - mo(f