394 The Saint! AJmijjion into tbt Kingdo111. State IV. mofl: part will not come unto him. Somt> few whofe hearts are touched by his Spirit, do embrace tl1e call, and their fouls within them fay, Beheld, rwtcoine unto thee: they gi~e · th'emfelves to the Lord, forfake the world, and tr.t:ir lu.Hs, for him; they bear his yoke, and cafi it not c-~f} no not · in the heat of the day, when the weight of it (perhaps) · makes them fweat the blood out of their bodie~. Behol J the fools ! faith the carnal worfcl, whitbe~ are they going ?. B-ut Hay a little, 0 foo\i{h world! from the fame mouth ,· whence tl;ey had the cali they are r.t>w folfowing 1 , ar.othcr call fhall come which will make amends for all. · Come) fe ble..fed o.f tny Father, inherit the kingdom. The fai,its fhall find an inexpre.ffible fweetnefs in this call to co~e. ( r. ~ Hereby Jefas Chrifl: fhews Ms rldire of their· fociety in the upper houfe, that they may be e~er r with him there. Thus he will open his h~art unto them, as 1ometimes h_e did to his Father concerning them, faying, Fatl!er, I will that they '-·be with me, rwhere I am, John xvii. 24. Now the travail if his foul tlands before the: dn:or.e, not only' the fouls, but the bodies he has redeem– ed; and they mull come, for ·he mufl: be complcatly fa.tif· fied. (2.) Hereby 'they are folemnly invited to the nrar– tiage-fupper of the Lamb. . They are invited to the lotver tabl,e, by the voice of the fervarits, and the fe<;ret work• ings of the Spirit within them; and they came, and. did· parta!fe of the feafl of divine comn1unicc:ticn!> i'n 'the lower houfe: but jg;fus Chrill in pcrfon f1tall invite them, before· all the ·world, to the higher table. ( 3.) By this he ad– mits them unto the manGons of glory. The keys of hea- · ven hang at th-::' gird le-Of otH royal Mediaor; Allpo"rt.ver /n t berwen is given ti:l him, Matth. xxvi ii. 1·8.) and none ger ~n thi t h e: ~·, cot whom he admits. \iVhen t'hey were living· en eanb, with the re(l, of the world, ' he openeq the ev er· Ja!lir.g cloors of 1heir h Gatts; entred into them himf-elf, and fhut them again; fo as fin could r.evir re-errter, to reigo there as forme1ly: ~nd now he opens heaven's doors to– thena, dra'ws hi~ doves into the ark, ;md !huts tf1em in· ther·e; fo as the law, death and bell, · can never get them· out again. T hefain t~ in this life were ftiiJ hbourir.g-to ~o- , t e! into lhat re!t: but Satan was always 'pulling them w:'ck, their eo• 1 uptio.ns always. d1 awiD,i .them clown ;. in f.o much · ~t hat-