'3{)6 The ~~.a!ity in rwhich they are introduced. State IV, often in fcripture called a bleffing; and God's bleffiag is ever ·real, like ljflac's bleffing, by which Jacob became his heir: they were all by grace ju!Wied, fanCl:ified, and made ·to perfevere unto the end; now they are raifed up in glory, and bt:ing tried, fiand in the judgment; what remains theo, but that God crown his own work of grace in them, in giv~ · ing thfm their kingdom, in the' full enjoy!Jlent of himfelf for ever? ·Finally, They ate thefe whom Gad has caMecrated; the which alfo is a fcripturenotion ofb!effing, 1 Cor. x. 16. God fet them apart for himfelf, to be kings and 'priefis un .. to him ; -and tbe Mediator introduceth them ·as fuch to their kingdom and prieHhood. ~ Secondly, Ch rifl int roduc t th them as heirJ if the kingd~n},· to th'! actual pdfdlion of it; Com~, ye bltffed, inherit the l.ingd?m~ They are the children of God. by regeneratinn and adoptian: And if children, then heir~, hcirJ of God, 'and ioint-hein rr.uith Chrifl, Rom. vi.ii . 17. Now is the ' general aift:mbly of the fidl:- born before the throne ': ~heir min{lrity is over pa fl, and the time ap po i ~ ted of the Fat~·er for their receiving of their inhe t ita nce.is come. · The Me– diator purchafed the inhe ritance for them with his own blood; theit·· 1 ig hts and evidences were dra.wn b ng ago , and tcgi!~red in the Bible; nay, th t y had in feftment of their inheritance in the pcrfon o'f Jefus Chri fl:, as t he ir l'roxy, when he afcended into heaven , '7..uhither t he Fo r erunner i1 for UJ, entred, . Heb . vi. 20 Nothing remain.-: t h, but tha,t they enter into perfonaJ pd feilion ther eof, which begun a ~ death, is perfetl:ed at th e lafl day ; when the faints , in their bodies as wdl as th eir fouls, go into their kingdom. Laflly't They are introi uced to i t j as theje it waJ prepar· ed f qr from the fnmdath n of the .-.vorld. The ki1gdom was prepared for them in t he eternal pu rpofe of God, before thS! y or any of them had a. b~ ; ngJ whicfl lhews it to be ll. gift of free grace to them. It was f: om etern it y ~be divine purpofe>th :.t there fhould be fllch a kingdom for the 'elect; and that aH itn.pediments which might mar their ac:cefs to it , fhould be removed out of the . way: and with al by thl! fame eternal decree, every one's place in it· wa~ dete(• mioed and fet apart, to be ref~rved fot him; th at each of the children coming home at length into their Fatbe r~s houfe mi~ht fi nd his own place awaiting him: and ready for him: as