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398 TrialoftheC!aim, &c. Statei\r, what is ' faid on the flate if grm:e, for clearing of you as to your right to glory. If you be heirs ofglory, the kingdom of God iJ•v.Jithinyou, by virtue of your rege-neration and urlion wi th Chrilt. (t .) The kingdom of heaven has the throne in thy heart, if thou hall a right to that kingdom : Chr ifl is in thee; and G od is in thee, and havinJ chofen him forth¥ portion·, thy foul has taken U·p its everlal1ing reft in hirn, ~nd gets no kind1y refl but in him ; as the dove, until f.he came into t he afk. To him the foul habitually inclines, by vi ~ tue of the new nature, the divine nature, which the he irs of glory are par– takers of, Pfa/. lxxiii. 2 5. !Fh'}m ha·oe I i."l heat,~en ht:t thee? And t lJere iJ nom upon 'earth tlfat I dejire bt:fideJ' thee. (2 .) Tl1e la~s of heaven are in thy heart~ if thou art an heir of heaven, Heb. viii. IO. I rwiff put my larw.r int,. rheir mind, and write them in thc·ir heart!. Thy mind is ~nlibhtened in the .know!edge of th~ Jaws of the kingd om~ by the Spirit of the Lord, the iofiruClor ·()·faH the heirs of glory-: for whoever may want in!hu ·~i o n, fure an heir to a crown fhall not want it. It iJ •written in the priJphetJ, And they Jha.ll all be taught of Cod, Joho d, 45. Therefore, tho' fa: her and mother leave them early, or be in no cor:; ccr n about their Chri!lian educationl and they be foon put to work forthe ir _ daily bread '; yet they !hail not Jack teaching, ·\Vithal t.hy heart is changed, and thou bearefl God's image, which confi f1 s .in righteoufnefl and true holimfl, Fph.!v. ~4· Thy f<>ul is tewnciledto the whole law of God, and at .war wi th aH known vftn. · :In vain do t~ey : prete,nd to the ho1y ki~gdom, who are not··bol-y in heart and life; for 'tvit bout ho!inejJ 119 man Jha/1 fee 'tfr~ L._ord, Heb. xii. I 4· ILi1eaveo is a relt, it is for fpirituallabourers, and.not·for loiten:rs:' If it is an etetnal triumph, ·they are not in the way to it, ~vho avoid the fpiri: u~l warf:;re, and are in . no cue to fubdue .cor– ruption, refill: temptation, and to.cui tbeir way to it, through the cppofition made by ·fhe devil, t.he world, and .. the lldh. ( 3.) The treafure in .he_aven is ·, the chief in thy efl:eem and de6re; for it is your treafur~; .and whereyour ft·eaj.. ure if, there rwill_rour heart be alfo, -Mar~h vi. 2l. ,If it isnotthe things th?..t are feen, but the things tha~ are not feeo, which ·lhy heart is in g.reatell care and c.oncern to obtain ; if thou . 1 ~ :ving a trade with heaven, and thy chid bu!inefs lies there;