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,. H~ad v. Duty and Comfort, . &c •. 3<., there; it is a Ggn thy treafure is there, for rhy heart is there• Ent if thou art of thefe, who wonder why fo mu ch ado about heaven <dld eternal life, as if kfs might ferve the turn ; thou art like to have nothing ado \1. ith it at all. Cunal men value themf-elves mofl: on thtir u r<~fures upon earth; with them the - t llings that ate not feen, -ate \t.·eigbed down by the things that are feen, and no ldft;s do fo much affeCt the-m as earth! yloffes; but the heirs of theCiOWn of glory will value themfelves mofl: on their treafutes in be;:.ven, and will not put their priv ~ re efi:ate in the balance with their kingdom : 110r will the lofs of the fermer go fo near their hearts, as t_he thoughts of the lofs of the latter. Where thefe firfl · fmits of heaven are to be found, the eternal weight of glory will furely fol!qw aftn; while the want of them mufi te admitted, according to the wctd, to be ~n inccntcflible evidence -of an heir of wrath, Secondly , Let tbe Leirs of the kingdom behave tbemfelvcs fuitable to theit chartl<.'ler ad dignii:y, Live as having the faith ar.rl hcpe of the gloricu£. kingd~m ~ ]et your ccnverfa– t .ion _be in hem.:en, Ph!Lip. iii. 20. Let ycur fouls celight i11 communion with God \\lhi!e year~ on earth, !ince ye lock for :your happi1' ef~ in cc;n:muoion with him in heann , Let your fp-eech and alt icn~ favour of loleaven; a.ndin your manner of Efe !ook like the country to whkh ye are goir>g, that ~t may be faid of you as of Gideo/s brethrer., Judgclviii. 1 S. each cne rtfemb!eJ de dildren cfa king. Mair:tain. a holy con– temp : of the world, and of the th inJ.S of the world. Al!ho' othe 1 ~, :whoft! eart!J ly th ir._g5 are ~JJ,eir bdl tJ,lings 1 do ftt their · he.uts upon th:.m ; ytt it b.: com l s you w ft_i: ycur feet on t hc:m, fioce yeor bd! ii ;ngs ar e zbove. Th is wcrld is but·the cuuntry, tlH oq;_h which lies your road to1mn;aH.uc!'s Lmd: theref.ore pd~ thrcugh _it as pi l g r im~ and {h wgers; and dip r.ot ioto tbe i n cen: br ~ nce s of it, fo as to ret<ttd ycu in your j cu rney. lt is twworthy of one born tq a palace, to fet hs Leart on a cott age, to dwell there ; and of one run' for a p; ize of Eold, to go offhis·way to gather t.he tloncs cf the brook: but ml!ch mere is it unworthy of an heir of the kir~cr .. C:om of heaven , to be hid ~mcng the ftuffof tl1is world, wh~n he fhouJd be goi rg on to rcceire his ~rown. Tbe prize fet hefore you ch#ilenge th your utmofl: zeal, a tl: i ~ ity and di 1i· gence; ar1d holy cour2ge, refolution and magnanimity, be– ccme thofe who are to inherit the crown. Ye c;mrjot ccme at L I 2 it,