4os Duty and Comfort, &c. S'cat e rv. it, withcut fighting ycm way to it. through ·diffi culties from without, and from within; but the kingdom before you is fuffici ent to bahwce them ail, tho' ye fhu u! d be called to refi{t nen uoto bJood. Prefe r Chriil's crofs befor e the worid's crown, and wants in the way of duty, before l" .'l. fe and wealth •in the way of fin: Chr-o.fe rather tojt~/fer a.iltlltm ru.;ith tht: peop/( ofGod, tban to e·njcy the p/eafureJ of }in for aJeafon, Beb. xi. 25. In a common inn> flrangets (perhaps) f~ne bet– ter than the children; but here lies the difference, the chil– dren are to pay nothing for what they have got ; but the' !hangers get their bill, and mdt pay compleat ly for aB th ~ yhave had. Did we wofider the wicked's af1er · reckoning for" all the fmiles of comrnotl providence they meet with io the· 'vorld, we wonld no1 Q,rudge them their good th ings he1 e; nor take it amifs that God kee·p ~ (~~~ r heft things 1211. :-leaven' will make up all the fai nts ldft s, and all tears w.ill be wiped; away fr0m their eyes tbe re •. . It is worth cbfervi ng , that there i5 fuch a vHiety offcrip• tu re notions of heaven's happinefs, as may fuit eve ry affiict ( cr c-afe of-the faints. .Are t hey opprdfed? The day cometh, in which they lhall ha ve t he dominion. ls thei1. honcur laid! i!z the dufl? A throne to fit upon, a crown on their head, and a fcepter in their handJ will raife it np ag2in. Are they reduced to poverty ? Heaven is a· treafure.. If they , be- ; forced to quit their 0wn habitations, yet Chrifi's Father's · hou!e is ready for them. Are tl•ey d riven to the wi lderneJs ~ "l here is a city prepared for them. Are they banifhed ft om their -native country ? They lhall inheri t a better country. lf they are deprived of public ordinances, t he Lord Gud' .Almighty and the Lamb ;ue the temple t here, whi ther they ar~ go.ir.g ; a temple, tbe doors of which none can lhut: i f theii 1ife be full of bitternefs, heaven is a parad ife for plea– fui e. If they groan unde r the ,remains of fpiritual bondage ?• there i!J. a glorious liberty abiding th<:m. D o th ei r defil ed :armeots mak':! them afhilm~YJ ? The· day c~mub, io whid1 their robes fhall be white, pure and fpot!efs. The battl~ a-gainfl flefb -.nd blood, principai ites and powers i,s indeed fore ; but a glorious triumph is awaiting them. if the toil' ~nd labours of the Chrifl:i an life be great, there is «m ~verlaHiog reft for them in he aven. Are they judge d lmwor– thy of fociety io t·he world~ they tl"'...;lli be admitted into. the· fo.c1~ty,