Head V. 'TheConclujion. · 401 foiciety of angel$ in heaven. Do they complain of.(refjuent interruption! of their communion "-ui J j God? There they {hali g-; no ,nore out, but !hall fee bi~ L;ce for evermote. If they are in darknds here, eternal light is thete. if they gr<?p– ple witl1 de.tth, there they fhall have everhHing life. And to fum u-p all in one word, He that rJ"uerco?neth jhall inherit all tMngs, Rev. xxi. 7· He iliall have peace an~ple~ty, prc~r. and pf'eafures, every thing deGrable ; full fattsfachon to h1s moll: enlat ged deGre~. Let the expectants .of heaven, then, lift up thei~ heads with joy, gird up their loins, and fo run~ as they mayobtain; trampling on every lh;ngtbat may hinder them in the way to the kingdom. Let them never 'acco~nt. a:1y duty ·too hard, nor any crofs too heavy, nor any p~1os t'1o much, fo as they may obtain the crown of glory. ·1 Laflly, Let thofe wh·o have no right to the kingdom of hezven, be (tined up to feek it with all diligence. Now is the time, wherein the .children ,of wrath may become' heirs o( ~lory: and when the wayto,; everla:Hing happinefs is opened, it is no ti.m~ to fit fli.ll and loiter. Raife up-your hearts.toward~ , l~e glory that is to be revealed ; and do not alway.s ly.along o.n this perifuingearth. What can all your worldly enj-oyment~ <lv :lil yon, while you have no folid ground to expeCt~ heaven, t:tftef''this life is gone? The-fe riches and hon~urs, profits and · pleafu.res,. that mufi be buried with us, and cannot accompany m into andther wotdd, are but a wretdH~d portion;, and will., leave men comfortlefs at long-,run. Ah 1 whyare men fo fond· ir1- their life · tirne to receive tl1eir good things ! · why are they · ilo't rather in care to fecure an interefl in the ·ki·ngdom,of hea– ven, which would n-ever be taken fr.om them,,btlt:affordtnem· a portion to m.ake .the_m happy thro.: the: ages of· eternity?-' Ifyou de,Gre honour, there you may· have the highefl honour$ , and which will1afl: when the world's honours are.hid :in the du!l; if riches, heaven will: yield you.a treafure .. ; and';rthere · are pleafures for evermore. 0! ' be;not·, defpifers.·of,the plea. fant land, neitherj\ldge yourfelves.unworthy ofeterna~life:· but marry the heir; and heaven iliall be your dowry; clofe with Chrifi, aa.he is .. oife,ed ·to' you in the gofpel~ and ye !Hall inherit alhhings •. Walk .in the way.of holioefs, and it :, will lead ' you .to the kingdom~ Fight againfi fin·· and.$atan, :l.nd ye fhall rece-ive tlre crown. Forfake the world, an~, .. the. doors .of hean rr will be opened to rece.!ve. you . .L l' S,' H·E-AW1