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Head VI. 'J'/;e Curje under which, &:c. -<40J They muft depart into the fame .fre jJreparedfor Bedze– bub the prince of devi!s, and hif angels; namely, other reprobate angels who fell with him, ~n1d became devils. It is f:lid tobe prepared for them, b~caul~ they finned. and were condernned to hell before man finped. This fpeaks further terror ro the damned~ that they muft g6 into the flme torments. and place of torment, with- th~ devil amL , his angels. They hearkn\;d to his temptations, and they " mu tt partake in h rs torments: his works tl1ey would do,. and they mufl: recein the wages, ,•.rhich is cleat h. In this life they joined \'i' ith devils;~ in enmity againfl: God anll– ChriG, and the way of h oJinefs; and in. the other they mul11odge with them. Thus_ all the goats flu.ll he !hut up toget!te r; for that name is con\[non to devils and \vie k– ed men in fcripture, Lev. xvii. 7. where the word render– ed devils, properly fignifies hair y ones, or goats, in ti1e. thape of which creatures devijs de!j_ghted much to appear to their \vodhippers. (3.) The la i: aggravation of their. torment is the eternal duraticn thereof, they mH!t depart into e\rerlall:ing tire. This is it that puts the c.ape-fione upon their miiery, namely, that it fhall never end. Do c T. 'The wicked jhall bejhut zip under the cttr}e if G.()d, in everlafling mifer.y, with the devils in htil. After having evinc.ed that there fhall be a refurreetion cf the body, and.general judgment. l think it not need,. ful to infi il: to.prove the truth of future pui)ifhments. 'The fame confcience there is in men of a future judgment, bears witnefs alfo of the truth of future punifhrnents •. ( And that the punifhment of the damned £hall not he an,.. nihiiation, or a reducing them to nothing, will. be cle:ctl" in the progrefs of our difcourfe.) In treating of this awfur fubject, l fhJ.ll enquire into thefe four things. ( r,.) The curfe under which the qamned ihaH be fhut up. ( 2.} Their mifery tinder that curfe. (3.) Their fociety with de.– vils in this miferable ftate. (4.) The eternity of the whole.. I. As to the curfe under which the damned iliall be fhut up in hell: it is the terrible {entence of the law, by which they are bound over to the wrath of God, as tranf– greffors. This cur[e does not firft feize them, when, .tlanding before the t.ribunal, they recein: their. fentence; · · . · . but:. "