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~:04T/Je Curf~ ur.der whic/J State IV. but they \yere born und :~ r it; ~hey led their life under it i.n this world; they d ic:d _under it ; rofe with it out of their graves; and the Jndge finding it upon them, fends– them away with it, into pit, where it {hall lyon them thro 'Jgh all the ages of eternity. By nature all men are under the cUi·fe; but it is r emoved from the elect, by vir· tue of their union with Chri[L It abides on the reft of finful mankind, and bv it they devoted to defi:ruetion;. feparated to evil; as on~ may defcribe the curfe from Deut. xxix. 2 I. And the Lordjhall{ him uii to evil. Thus ihall the damned, for ever, be perfons devoted to defiruc •. tion: fepar at:! and fet apart from the reft. of mankind, unto evil,. as ve!I::ls. of v.rrath; fet up for marks to the ar· rows of divine wrath, and made the commcn. receptacle:: and {bore of vengeance. This curfe hath its-fidl:-fi·uits on eaph, wh~ch are a.. pledge of the whole lump that is to follow. And heace it_ i.s, that as temporal and eternal ber;efit~are bound up to· gether under the fame ex.prefiions. in the p'romife to the: Lord's people , as lja. xxxv. 10 . And the ranfot11ed o_f the LordJhalt retu-rn, and come to Zhn, &cc. relating botit to– the return from Baby/en, and to the faints goin'; to their e.ter;al reffin heaven.: even fo temporat. and et~rnal mi– feries,on the enemies of God, are fametimes wrapt up un– der- one and the fame expreffion in the t~reatni:1g, as lja,__ :xxx~33· For'Tophe.t ii ordclinedo.fold: )'ea,for the KingiJ i~ prepared. he hath made it deep and large; the pile thereof ~ i..r. fire and much rwood, th~ breath ofthe Lord~ like a jluanz •j brimjfone, doth kindle it. \V.hich relat~s. both to the tem– poral and eternal deftruetion ofthe A.ffjriam, whg fell by. the hand' of the:a.ngel before- J erufalem . See alfo lfa .lxvi • .24. What is that j udici:-tl hlii1.dnefs to which many (\re giv– venup ~ inwhom the Cod f)( thij·'llJor/d h(Jth blinded their eycr, 2Cor . iv. 4· 'but the. firft.~ fruits of hell and of the curfe? Their' fun is going, noon-day; their darknd~ in~ creafing. as., if it would not fl:op till it iffue in utter dark– nefs., IVLmy; a laili·. in the. dark d01h· confcience give the w.icked, . which, the·worl'd doth nor hear. of: and what is . ·tint, but tliat the .never• dying wo~m is already begun to , gnaw them?-' And there is not one:of thefe, but they may e:al!. ic. Jc[t:p.~~ for de LordJha!J add tmotl·er ;.. or. rather~ . Gada,