Head VI. the Damned arejlntt up. _ 405 Gad, for t1 troop cometh. Thefe -d rops of v,rrath :1re ter ... rible fqrebodings of the full fhower wh ich is to fclll'ow. Snmetimes they are given up to their vile affeeti:;~ts, th a t they have no ·more command over them, Rom. i . 26. S6 their 1.nfis grow up more and rno·n towal'd s perh;ct ion, if I may fo fpeak. As in heaven grace comes to its perfect i– on, io in hell fin a.rrives at its · highefi pit ch; and as .fin is thus advancing upon the man! he is the-nearer and lhe liker to hell. There are three things that h ave a fearfu l :.1fp ~ & here. tfi, When every thing that might do good to mens fouls is blaR-ed to them, {o thll:t their bleJ!ings art turfed, (Mal. ii. 2.} fermons ; prayen. admonitions, <Jrd rep-roofs, which are powerful towards others, a re q uite inefficacious to the!n. '1d!y, When men go on finr:ing frill in the face of plain rebu kes from the J.ord in ordinances and provi.dences ; God mee ts them with rod s in the way of their fin, as it were O:rikipg them back ; yet they rnfh forv.rard. What can be more like heli 1 where d 1e Lord is alway$ fmiting, and the ~amned always f1nn ing again H: Ilim ? J.aflly, Vvhen every thing in one's lot is turned into fuel toone's lofts. Thus adverfity and proiper ity~ pc – vex:.ty and wealth, the want of ordinances, and the enjoy– ment of them, do all ·but r:ouri01 the corrup tions cf many. ';fheir vicious fi:omachs corrupt whatf(:~ever they ·:receive, and all does but increafe noxious humours. But the full harveft follows in that ~ifery whi-eh they fhall for ever ly under in hell ; that wrath which. by vir– tue of the curfe, ihall come upon thm1 t .P the uttermofl; 'the which is the curfe fully executed: This b lack cloud opens upon them, and the terrible thunderbolt fl:rikes them, by th::tt d-readful voice from the throne, Depart from ·me, ye curj'ed, &c. which will give 'the wh0l e wi cked \''odd a dilmal view of wha t is in the bofom o f' the curfe. It is ( 1.) . A voice of extrt:me indignation and wrath, a fnricm s re· buke from t he lion ofthe tribe of 1udah. · His looks wi ll be mofi: terri ble to them : his eyes will caft Ham ~ s of fire on them; and his word will pierce their he;n·ts, like en- . venomed arrows . When l1e will thus fpe.i;!k them out of his prdcnce for ever, and by his \Vord chafe them away fl'"l:Ht'l be;ore the throne; they wi ll fee how keenly wrath \!urns in his heart againH them for their fins. ( 2 J ! t i_s a VOICe