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TlH! Curfl, &c. State IV. voice of extreme difdain and contempt from the Lord. Time was ·v,hen they '\vere pi,tied, bdought to pity them– f..:lves, and to be the .Lord's; but they dc[pii{d him, they 'vould none of him: but now theyr..~ll be buried cut of l\is light, ur,der. everlafting contea1p~:::~ (3.) It is a voice of extreme h J. tred. 1-lereby.,the Lor~Jhuts them out of of his bowels of love and n:en:y. 1Yt~f''tl1'£J. Je curfed, q d. I cannot endure to iock at you; there '.i::. not one purpofe o,good to you in miiLe heart; nor .' fhal.t ye eyer hear o11e . word more of hope fromme. Lafl/y, lt is a voice of c– tern~l n:jeetion from the ~ord;. he commands them to be gone, and fo carts them cff for ever. Thu£ the. doors of heaven are fbut againfr them; the gulf is fixed between them and it, and they are driven to the pit. New :fhou1d they cry with all p0fllble eSirnefi:nefs, Lr;rd, Lord, open t~ u.r; they willliear r,otbing but dcpat·t, depart, ;•e curfcd.. Thu~ fhall the damned he fhut up under the cnde. UsE rfl, Let all thde who, being yet in theirnatural lhte, are under the curfe, confider this;and flee to Jefn::; , Chrift. hetimes, t}lat they may be delivered from it. How can ye fleep in that fi:ate, being wrapt u;.. in the curfe ! Jefus Chri(t is now faying unto you, Come, .ye curfed ; : I witl take the curfe from .off you, and give yen the blef– fing. The v;aters of the fanCI.uary are now runnin~ to '- .. . '-'- heal the curfed grcund; take heed toimprove them tor that end to your own fouls, and fear it as hell, to get no fpirimal advantage thereby. Remen1bn· that the mity f'laceJ (which are neither fea, nor dry land, a fit cn1blem of h)' pocrites) and the mari.lher (that neither breed fii11es. nor bear trees; but the ,,·at ers of the fanfruary l~ave them <JS they find them, in their barrennefs) Jhall not he hea/, 7 d (lecir.g they fpurn the only remedy) thtyjha/1 lJegi·::m ttJ J~lt(Jeft under_eternal barrenr..efs-,fet up for the mm.uments . of the \H 3.l h ,of Gcd, and concluded for enl' t~nder the. <.:urfe .) Eztk.xlvii.II .. 2d/y•, Let-~··n curfers confider this, 'Whofe n:cnth:- are fi)Jed with Cl:fhng the:nfdvcs Z..lld 0· thers. He ·who clothes •with cur)ing, fhall find the– curfc come int~ hiJ borJJef.I like rznater, and like oil into hi.J boner, (Pfal. ci;, t8 ) ifrepentanrt prevent it net·. ;·~ db;:ll get ail his imprecations again!t himidf fully ;::..nfvTred in that day wLe:•e:n he fta11ds before Lhc t r ibunal (:f God; and