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Head Vt. Their !11ifery in H::!l. .~ro ,7 <Jnd fhall find the killing weight of the curfe of God, which he makes light of now. , 11. I proceed to ipeak of the mifery of the damned, un– der that curfe·, a m_i!~-y which the tongues ~fmen and an– gels cannot fuffi.:tenlly exprefs. God alw:tys acts like himfelf; no favours can be equal to his, and his wratll .and terro·rs are without a parallel. As tht :£:1.ints in hc:t– ven are ad,rance,d to the highefi pitch of h o1ppinefs, W ~he damt~ed in hell arrive at 'the 'height of mifery. , ~fwo things here I !hall foberl y enquire into, the punifhment of lofs and the P'tnithment of fenfe in hell. But fince thefe a:roare fucll things as eye has not feen, nor ear heard, we mull: (as Geographers do) kwe a large void for the unknown land, which the drty will difcover. Firft, The puniih nent -of lojJ. whicb.Ahe damned !hall undergo, is feparation from the Lord, as we iearn from the text, Depart /rom me, ye curfed. This will b:e a ilone npon their grave's mouth, as the Ja/e;zf of lead, Zech. v~ 7, ,8. tint will hold them down for ever. They fhall be eterna lly feparated from Go..:l and Chrifl:. Chrill: is the w ,1 y to the Father: but the way as to them {hall be ev.::r– Lttt!ng ly black!d up, the bridge fhall be drawn, and the great gulph fix:ed; fo !hall they be fhut up in a fl:au: of eternal ieparation from God the Father. Son, and holr Gho fl. 'T'h:!y will be locally fep,trated fro:n the man :C :1rift, and th1ll ne<Jer come into the feat of the bldfed, where he appears in his glory·, but be cafl: out into utter dadn'?(;-, ivhtth•. xxii. 13. They cannot indeed be local– ly fep tratd·fromGad, they .cannot be in a place where he is not ; fince he -is, and will be prefent every where : Ir I mak~ my bed i11 hell, fciys tile Pfalmitl:, behold thou art there, Pi~l. cxx:xix.8. But they fhaJI he rniferable beyond expreffi m, in a relative fepar.uion froon Go 1. T ho' he will be pt·efent in the very centre of th:ir fouls, (if I may fo e,xpreCs it) wl~i:le they are wrapt up in fiery_ilL:nes, in utter ddknefs, it !-hall not only be to fee:i the·n with the vin~g::tr of his wrath, to entertain them with the emana– tion of hi:; revenging ju ,1i-ce; but they fh 1ll never ta!te more ofh is goodne(<> anl bo;Jnty ,nor hwe the lealt glirnpie of h0pe from him. Th.::y will fee his h:!::trt to !'>e ahi(l– lutely alienated from th.:m,and tha.t it cotnnot be tow,1rds them; ..