7/;e Puni!hmnzt of Lofi in JJe!l. 8tate IV. ~hem; but that they are the party a~ainfi whom the Lord will h<~.ve an indignation for ever. ['hey fhc~.ll be depriv– eJ of the glorious prdence and enjoyment of God: they fhall have no part in the beatific v1fion; nor fee any thing in bod towards them, but one wave of wrath roHing at the back of another. This will bring upon them over·· whelming floods .of farrow for evermore. They ihall ne– ver talle ,of the rivers of pleafures the faints in heaven en- · joy; but fln.ll have an everlafi:ing winter, anda perpetn<l_l night, becaufe the Sun of rigilteou!nefs has departedfrorn theni, and fo they are le(t in utter darknefs. So great as heaven's happinefs is, fo gre(tt will their Jofs be; for they can have none of it for e v~ r• . This feparation l.-f the wicked from G0d will be, ( 1.) An involuntary feparation. Now they depart from him, they will not come 'to him, tho' they are called, imreated -. and obtefied to come; out then they {_hall be driven a– way from him, \Vhe~l they Would gladly ab iJ e with him. ' Altho' the quefl:ion, lfi,Sat i.r thy beloved more than ano· ther beloved? is frequent now arriongfi th e de fpi fers of ,the gofpel, there w11l be no fuch .que.ftion among all the damned crew;. for then t.hey will fee tha t man's h appine:s is only to be. found in· the enjoyment of God, and th r..t the Jofs. orhim is a lols that eau ntver be .balance.d. ·( : .) It will alto be a total ancLutter fep<Lration. Albeit the : wicked are in tills life feparated from God, yet there is a · kind ot intercourfe betwixt them : he gives them ,many good gJ"'ts, and they ~ive hL.n) at leafl, fame good words, fo that the peace is not altogether hopelefs. But then there {hall be a total feparation, the damned being eafl i nto utter darknefl, where there will notbe the le.aft gleam oflight or favour from the Lord: the which ~.rill put an end unto all t.heir fair words to him. Lafl!y, It fh.all be a ; final ieparation; .they will part with him never more to meet, being fhut up tulder everlafting horror and de Cpai ~· . The ,match betwixt Jefus Chrift and unbelievers wh ich ha!> fo ofcei.l been carried forward~ and put'back a_gain, fhal~ ' t4en be broken up for ever: and never rna.J.l one meiTage . of favour or good-will go betwixt the partiet any~roore. This pnnifhment of lofs, in a total ~d.final fcparation fromGod> is a mifery beyond what mcrtals can conceive,