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Head vi : the pan fjl;r'fltrli r:f Ll)fs in Hell. 4 T I therefore has ever a defire at fomet h ing 'without himfelf, to make him ha ppy; and tl;e foul being, by its n atm·al make and con fbtmion, capable <>f enj oyi ng God ; and nothi a g d fe being co:mnc nfnra bt! to its defir e.s ; it can n ever h·,we true and !olid rdt, till it r-ea in the enjoy- · m en t of Goc. This deGre of happinef'> the ratiorfal trea.- . ture c·a n n ~ ver hy :&de, no n ot in heH. Now, while the wic ked are on earth, they f.:::ck their fati sfaet!on i.n the c1 e~nure, and \vhen one fa ils, they go to ;lHO [h e r: thus they put off their time in the wodd, deceiving their own fouls, and lnrin ;; them on with v;:in hope$. Eut illl. the ot her world, all comfort in the creatures having failed t ogether at once; and the Il1adows they are now purfi fuing, having ail of tf:.~: m evanifhed in a moment; they· fhall he totally and finally feparated from God, and · fie they have thus ' 1oft him. So the dom·s of earth <md heaven both ar~ ihut ag~.inft them at once. Tl1is will create th em unfpe'abble anguifh, while th ey !hall liv<! under an eternal gna\">·ing hunger after h appinefs, which they certainly know Dull neve·{ be in .. the leaH me<lfnre fatisfi d, all ·doors being clofed on them. Vvho them. can imagine how.this feparation from God fhall cut the d amned to the heart ! How they wiil roar and rage un– d .;r it, and how it will fting them and gnaw them tluo' the ages of eternity l · · . 4thly, The damned !hall know that fome (lre perfeCtly happy in the enjoyment of ~hat God, frcm whom they . themfelves are fep.1rate: l1nd this will aggravate the fenfe of their Iofs, that they can n ever hatr.e any {hare with tbefe happy ones . B ;:. ing fe.:parat eJ-ft1o:n God, they are fepaq.ted from the f'3 ciety of the glorified [aims and angels. They may fee Abrahctm afar o.JJ: and l.azcuu1 in his bojom, ( L u!r.e x vi. 2 3.) but can n ever come into the ir cotnpa ny ; being ~ uncleetll lepe-rs, t htu ft out '\Vithout the camp, and excomrunnic::J. ted from the prefei1c~ pf the Lord, aoJ, of all his ho ly ones. It is the opinion of fome, that every pufon in heaven or h ell , fball hear and fee all that palf– t·th in e itl~~;r fl:,£~te. · vVhatever is to b~ faid of this, we 1\ave grmmd (rocn the word t o conclude, that the dam- ' ned fl1 a ll have a very exq;1ifitive knowledge of the happi– nefs uf the f::~ in} s in h ·;;aven; for w:h~t clfe caa be me ant / M m ~ by