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r Head VI. The Pu1zijhment '-'f LofJ in Het'!. whi ch was their ruin : but then they fhall in vain with, they h ad reputed th ern felves the worfi of the congregation in which t hey lived; and curfe the fond "conceit they had of t hemfelvcs, apd t lHt others had of them too. ' Thus it will fling the damned , that they m:gbt have efcaped this lvls. Lafify, . Tlley ·\vill fee the lofs to be irrecoverable; th at · they mufr etern:rlly ly under it, ne~er, never to he repaired. M i11ht t he damned, after mill ions of ages in hell, rcgaia 0 . wbat they have loft, it would be fome ground of hope: but th e prize is gone, apd can never be recov~red. And there are two things hete, wqich will pierce them to the heart. ( 1.) That they never knew th~ 'Worth of it till it waJ irrc– Mverab'ly loft. Should a man give away an earthen pot full of gold for a trifle, never knowing was in it, till lt it were quite g,_ne from him, ansJ pafl recovery: how fhould this foolifh act ion gall him, up'on difcov~ry of the riches in it ! fuch a one's cafe may be a faint refemblance of the cafe of defpifers of the go1 fpel, whenjn hell they lift up thef,. eyeJ, and behold that, to their torment, which they will not fee now, to their fiilvation, , (2.') That they have loll it for drefl and dung: fold their part of heaven, and not en· r iched themfdves with the price. They loft heaven for earthly profit,s and pleafur~s, and now both are gone toge~ ther from them, The drunkard's cups are gone, the co– vetous man's gain, the voluptuous man's carnal delights., and the. fluggard's cafe: nothing is left them to comfort them now. The happinefs they loft remains indeed, but they can have no part in it for ever. , UsE. Sinners, be perfuaded to come to God; through Jefus Chrift, uniting with him through a Mediator that ye may be preferved from this fearful feparation fromhim. · 0 be afraid to 1\ve in a Hate of feparation from God, lefi that which ye now make your choice, beco-m·e your ete;nal pu– ninlment hereafter. / Do not rejeCt communion w1~h God~·caft not off the· communion of faints; for it will be.the mi– fery of the d'lmned to be driven out from that communion. Ceafe to build up the wall of feparation betwixt Go~ and. · you, by continuing in your finful courfes: repent rather i~ time, and fo pull it down; le(l the cape-fione be laid upoa, it, a,nd it fland for ever between you and happinefs. Tre.m– ·ble at the thoughts of rejeCtion and, feparatio,G fro~ Gqd. Mm ;3, /B.1