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••p6 The Puni!7munt if Sen~ in H_e!l . State !V. t ~r ments ilre reprefented under th~ notion of fire, whicl;) the dEmuecl are cafi into. A dreadful reprefentation indeed ! yet not fufficient to expref!: the mifery of the fiat..e Of fi:mers in them. \:Vherefore we hear a!fo of thefecond death, (Rev. xx. 6.) for the damr.ed in hell fh :dl be ever dying: of tht "'.v;ne·pnj.r of the 'Wrath of God, (chap. xiv. 19.·) whert'if} they will be troden in anger, trampled in the Lord'sfzuy, ( lfa. Jxiii. 3·) preffo::d, broken and bruifed, without eui ; the •worm that di eth not, (Mark ix. 44·) whichfha,ll eternaily gnaw them: a bottomlefs pit where they will be ever fink– iog, Rev. xx. 3. It is r;ot fimply called a fire, but the la .~e offire and brimflone, (ver. f 9·) tl lake of fire burning "With briti'.Jlone, (chap. xix 20.) than whicla one can ima– gine no tbing more dre adfuL Yet becaufe fire gives ligLt , · ~nd figM (as So/-;mon ob1erves, Ec!ef. xi. 7.) ii jw<?e,t, t-here ts no light there, but darknefs, utter darkncfl, Matth. xxv. 30. .For they mull have an everla!ling night, fince nothing can be there, which is in any meafure -comfortable or re– fre!hing. 3· Om fire cannot effecl a fpirit, but by "ay of fymp~a thy with the body, to which it is united: bot h~ll· tre will not only pierce into the bodies, bnt. direCtly into the fouls ' of the .damned; for it is prepared for the de·oU and his an– ._geiJ, thefe wicked fpir{ts whom no tire on ·earth can hu rt. Job complains heavily, under the chafiifement of God's fa– therly hand, fayiag, The arrowf of tlJe Almighty are with-· in me, the poifon 'Whereofdrinketh up my (pir!t, Job vi. 4• Bur how will t-he fpi1 its of the damned be pierced with t!1e arrows of revenging jallice ! how will they be drunk up with the poifon of the curfe on thefe an ows ! how vehement muft that fire be that pierceth diretl:ly into the f(mJ, and makes an burning in the fpirit, tbe moll lively ~md · teoder part of a man, wherein woijnds or pain are mo(\ intole:ra.ble ! Laflly . The preparation of this fire evinceth the inex– preffib !e veheme.ncy and dreadfulnefs of it. The text calJs it prepared fire, yea. the prepared fire by way of eminency. As the tbr ee childrenwetenot call: into an ordinary fire, but a fire prepared on a particular defigo, which therefore was exceeding· hot, the furnace being heated feven times mort . than ordinary, DRtJ. ii~) 9; 22. fo the damned fhall find im