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f!e'ad V. 7he Pttnijhment of,Senfe in Hell. in hell a pre pared fi re, the like to which was never p.repa1ed hy human <trt ; it is a fi re of God's own preparing, the pro· cua of infinite wifdom on a particular ddign,_to demonfhate the molt IlriCl: and fevere divwe juHice t1gainfl: fin ; ~hicb rnay·fdficiernly evidence to us the inconceiv'lble exquifite• nefs th er eof. God always atls ' in a peculiar wa~· be,:omir.g his own infini te greatnefs, whether for. or againli ~he crea· tu re: and ther efore , as- t be thinfle he hath p ttnared for the:n Q l t~at love him, a1e great and good' beyond ex prdhon or con eeption; fo one may conclude, th at ,the things he halh pre– pared again!t thofe who hate him t are gre ~ t :..nd terrible beyond what men can eit her fay or thi ck of them . The pile of T'riph t t is fire and much ttvood, (the coals of th<'t fire ~~~e coa/1 ofjuniper, a kind of wood , which ' fet on fire, 'burns mofi fidcely, Pjal. cxx . 4·) ami the breath of t h~ Lord, like a jtre·am of brimjiom, doth kindle it, lfa. xxx. 33 · Fire is more or lefs violent, according to the matter of itJ and the breath ,by which it is blown~ what hean the a can fully conceive the horror of coals of juniper, blown up with the breath of the Lord ? nay, God himfelf will be a 1o11juming fire, ( Deut. i'v. 24.) 'tO the damned; intimately prefent, as a devouring fire, in their fouls and bodies. It is a fea.-ful thing to fall into a fire, or to be fuut up in a fiery furnace on earth: but the terror of thefe evanifheth, when cne confiders, howfearful it iJ to fall into the hands of th~ living God,. which is the lot of the damr.ed ·; for 'Who /halt ~well 'Lt•ith devouri ng fire? Who jba/1 drwdl rwith cvu.. falling burning1 ? Ita . xxxiii. 1 4. • , . As to the fecood point pr opofed, namely, the properties ef the fi c_ ry torments in te ll. I. They will be univerfa! torments, every part of the creature beint,t tormented in that flame. \\'hen one is caft into a burning fitry furnace, the fire makes its WllY imo the very bowels, and leave's no member un touched : what part then can have eafe, when the cLnnned fwim in a iake ofj're ~u;·ning rwith briJ!;jlo ne ? There wili their bod ;es be tor – men ter! . and fcorcbed for ever. Anrl as tb e.y finncL fo {hall they be tormented, in &11 the parts thereof ,; that tbt·y fhall have no found fide to turn them to: for whflt fonnd· nefs er eafe Clin be _to any part of that body, wlJicb bt-;ng fcparaHd from God, and all 1efro1m1er.t from him, i ~ {~ill in the