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7'he Punijhment of Snife in H:dl State IV'-,. the pangs of the fccond death, ever .dying, but never dead t But as the foul was cbief in !inning, it will be chief in fu.f– fering too, being filled brimf•Jl of the of a fio re·~ vcn_gi<1g God. The damned !hall be ever under deepeit im– preffi, ns of God's vindicLvc juftice ag {inl1 them; at~d tffis fi1e will melt their fouls w11hin them, Lke wax. \VLo knows the power of that .wrath which h~d fuch an effeCt on the Mediator Handing io the room of {inners, P_(al. xxii. q. Jll~y heart iJ likt wax, it i , melted in the miJfl of my boru:els. Their mind fhall be filled with the terrible appre~ herdions of God 's implacable wrath: and whatever they C:Jil thi nk upon, part, prefent, or to come, will aggravate their. torment and ang,uifh. TIH.. ir will {hall be croffed in all things for evermore: as their will was ever contrary to the will of God's precepts; fo God in his dealings wi th the:n in the other world, ihall have war with their will for ever . What thev would have, they !h all not in the iearr obtain ; but what they would not, fh;dl be bound upon th !' m without remedy. Hence no pleafant affd1:ion f11all ever fpring·up in. their hearts any more : their love of C t)r.npl<~ce:'!cy, joy, and: delight, in any objeCt wl)atfoever, {hall be plucked up by tli~ root; and they will be filled with hatred, fury, and rag-::. againlt God, ihemfelves, and their fellow-creAtures, ~he .. thu happy in heaven, oi miferable i:o hell, as-they them .. fcl\'es are. They will be funk in forro\t.', racked with an– xiety, filled ·with bo,rror, galled to the heart \'.l id-, fretting, and continually dar)ed Yvith defpair ; which will make them weep, gnd11 theiJ/t~::et h, :?.nd blafpheme for ever. lllatd. xxii. 13· lJi.J.d him handand foot, andtde M7tt ar;JJ.o_;·, tii:~d Mm in·tiJ rdark;;efs; there J~all be <tvecpint, #J.,:J gnaf'ing of teeth Re.v xvi. 21. Andthcre fr:/1 vjnn 'mm a great hail out of 'heaven, ewr} Jlone about the 'lJ.: ~igbt oj' tt talen I : an :i men blo/phemed C5d becauje of t l e /;;.;i!, (6r the plasue t!,aeofrwas exceedit.g great. Confcicw(e wll! be. a \V0t m to gn aw and .Prey upon th(;:m, remorfe fo;- tiH::r .fin!' !ball f~ize. them :and tormtnt them for ever, and they {h a!i not be able to fh3ke ~t, df. a.s fometimes they did; fe r in heli tleir r.JJor !'t dieth not, M:uk i1~ 4'5, 46 Tneir me· rno . '! v:;il ferve but to argnv ate: thei r torment, and evf.ry new rt'f1,.:.x ion will br ing another pang of <mgllifi<, LuiL; x:.v.. 25. But /ibralamj.1id, (viz. to the rich man in hell, &m,