· Tle Pi;rJifhmu:f of Senft' in Hell. Son , remember that tho:.~ in tf.y life'- time receivedjlthygood t f:ring1. 2. rhe torments in hell are manifold. Pot the c<fe that a man we re, ~t ore <ind the f~me time, under the violence of the oout, $Travel, and whatfoever drfe:1fe!' and p;1ins have b Q ,ever met together in one body; the tcnnent of fuch a one would be but li~ht in cot-i1pa1 ifoo with the torments of the dimned. For, as in hell there is an abfence of all that is ~cod and ddireable, fo there is the confluence of all evils ,there; fince all the dfcct:> of fin :::tnJ of the ct:nfe take their t~tc'e in it, after the l.aH: judgment, R cov , xx. 14. And deatll nnd he!! "'J.Jere cajl into the lake uf }re . There lhey will ·find a pr!foo they can nn'er t:fuq.: e out cf; a i2ke of fire, wherein they will be fo r ever fwiniming and burning; a pit . where they wi ll never find a bo:tom. r!H! worm that dietl1 .not, (hall feed oil them, as on bodies which- are interred : -the fire that is not quer,ched, !ball devour them, as dead bodies which ;ne bt:nned. Their q res !h:dJ be -k,: pt in bhck– }1efs of d21 knefs, \;1\7 ithout the leait comfm t ;; bi e g!ec.m of liiH; the ir e~rs filled wi th d1e frightful yel iings of rhc in– ftrn al crnv. they il1all taGe nothing bur the vinegar cf God's wra th, Jhe dreJ[J of tf.e cup ofhis f ury . T~e Hench .of the hur.ning hke of b 1imflon e vvill be the fmeJl .there ; d ' ,' I f. l . r a:n mey wu . ce. extJ eme p ;t!!1S !Or evc:rmore. 3· Th:y wi\1 Ol;! moit exqaijitr: and vehement torment~, cauGng "J.Jrepi:J:l{. ru•ailing, andgnalhing r;/ teeth, JVIatth. -~i ; i. 4 2. ar.' d Kxii. 13 . They ue repref:'n.ted to us under t he !"'O{ ~ On o f p:wg':l in tr<.vail, wh ich are very fhup and exquiiite. So fays thr. rich man in bell, ·Luke xvi. 24. lam tr;rmented, ( to ·,;.ic, t~s ooe io the p<mg's of child -·~ e;aring") in th 1s 0 1;11e. _-"l.~l, dte ,dful pangs l honib!e · travail, in which both foul and body are in pangs together; helpltfs tr:<v<tii. h •J pe!efs a nd end !ds! the wed o(ed for fte!l; Manb . v. :z:.. and in divers othe'r pians of the New Te1 ;an,ent 1 property d ;;: r,otes th,? ·u;:i!/cy u! H i r<~l CP~ I ; the n1me beinl7 'taken frcrn ... ~· . - •.) the valley oft he cf-i!dun ~f Hiooom. in wh\r.h Vlas Tophe:, ( 1 Kmgs xx i;. ro.) •.d 'l''l e idoht ers d!e ~J rhei 1 chil~ren to fth:oc/J. This is L:id to h;;.\'e been a gre,n br,dtn idol; with arms lik~ a man's: th ·! which he !ng heatu:l bj" fire within it, the child was fet in the bu rni n g arms of the idol;. aJJd, that t.l;e parents might not hear the lhritks of :he child "' · , b!.lrning