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.•po The Punijhment of Smft hz Hell. State £V .. burning to death, they bea.t drums in the time of the horrible facrifice; whence the piace had the name of Tt;phet . . Thus th.\! exqblifiteoefs of the torments in hell are pmnteC: out to us. ~om~ h.we endured grievou3 ·tonures on earth, with a fyrprifing obfl:in~cy and undaunted courage: but, mens cou· rage wiilfail theJn there, when they find themfelves fallen into the hands of the living God; and no out · ga.te to be expeCted for ever. It is true, thete wiU be degrees of \Ol'– men.t in hell: It /hall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon, than for Chorc1zin and lh·tbfaida, M.-i.tth. xi. '2 { 1 12 • . But ttle leaft load of wrath there. will be unfupporta}Jle ; .f'or how can the heart of the creature endure, or his hands be thong, wh-::n God himfelfis a confuming fire to him? When the tares are bpnnd in bundles for rt1e fire, th.ere will be bundles of covetot~s perfon:.;, of drnnkards, [wearers, t1nclean per fons, fotm::.l hypocrites. unb~ievers,arid defpifers oF the gofpe!, and the hke: the bundles being ea(} ioto hell ·fire, [>Jme will burn more' keenly than others, acco.rding as their fins have beer.'more hanions than thefe of others: a fic:rcer wiil feize the bw1dle of the profane,_ th30 the bundle of unLwtt...iied m ralif.ts) the fu:-n -tee wili be !)otter to thofe who Gno~d agaiofr li.ght, than to thofe who lived in dat:knefs. Luke xu. 47, 48 . fervant which luze'7.JJ hi1 LordJ will, cnid prepared not him.felf, neither ·did according to hi.f will, jh::z!l bt' btaten with ma.rty;1ripe! . But he that Rn(W not, and did commit thingJ rw.')rthy ~(flri;Jel, jh:zl! b~ bf:aten with .fe·w .flr.i/J<'l . Bur the fentence comm~n to thern ail, (Mt-tth . xii. 3<!l.) Bind them in bun.t!er f1J burn them, fpeaks the greatdt v dtemt:.~cyand exc1uiriteoefs of the iow~ eit degree of torment in l1cll. 4• They will be uttinterrttpted: there is no intermiffivn there; no eafe, no not f.or a mome.rH. They jhetll be tor• mentedd.l"lyand n~l{htf:; r ever and ever, Rev. xx. \0 . Few are fo ~ofred in thiG worldt but fom~times they get ,rdl; but the damned !hall get non~: they took th.eir re{t in the time appointed of God ~or b.bour. No fiorms are readH~ .Ceen, buL there :s fome fpd.ce between fhrJwers: but no interinilltlJI'l in the Horm that f.ti!s ·oo the wicked in helL There, deep wiil be calliug unto th.: de;p , i<Dd the waves of wrath conti · mnHy rolling over them. fhcre, the heavens will be :dways