Head VI. The Puni/hment of Senfi in Hell. 421 ways black to them, and they fhall hwe -a perpetual night, but no reH, Rev.. x;v. 11. 'They have no rep day nor night. 5. They will be unpitied. .rhe puoifh:nent infl ·.aed on the grea tefi rna.lefaao~~ on earth, do draw fcrth fame com– pailioo f1 om them who behold them in their torments : ~ut the damned fh·.:~.ll have none to pity them. God will oot pity them, but laugh at tht:ir calamity, Prov. i. ~6 . The beffed company in heaven Hull rejoice in the ext:cut.ion of God's righteous·judgment, and fi n ~ whil~ the fmoke rifetn up for e.ver. Rev. x;x. 3· Andagain they faid, Al/elujah: and h~r fmoke riJje up for ever and evttr_. No compdili :m can be expeaed from the devil aQd his angels, who de.light: iJl the ruin of the children of men, and are and will be for ever void of pity. Neither .wiJl one pity <~n;>th.er there, where every one is weeping and gnafhing his teeth, Ut•der his own unfupportabfe angu;f.h and pain. There, natural aff~ ·~lion will be extinguii11ed: the parents will not love theil· children, nor children their parents : the mQther will net , pity tbe daughter in thefe :fLunes, nor will dce dau~4hter pity , the rJ;IOther: the foo will ;new no regard to his father there, nor the fervant to his maller, where every one will be roar· iog uoder his own torment. ·· Lajl!y, To complete their mif.ery, .their t:ormen.rs fh;dl be eternal, Rev . x:iv. u. And the fmokc.. oj their torment afcendeth up for ever and ever. Ah ' what a frightful caf~ is this, to be tqrmented in the whole body aod f.ml, and that not wirh ol'le kind of torment, but ~any; all of thefe mo(t exqu :fi te, and all this without any intermiffion, and without pity from aoy! what heart can conceive ~hofe thiflg~ \~tthout horror? Nevenheit:.fs, if this mofl miferable cafe were at length to have a~ end_, that -would afford fome comfort: but the torments of the damned will have oo end, .of the which more afterwards. . . Vs&. Learn fr'om this, ( 1.) The evil of fin. · It is a fiream that wi:l c1rry down ~h.; G ..-•ner. till- he be fw,allowed .up in an ocean of wnth . 'The p1eafures of fio are bought too dear, at t!1e r~te of eve-rhfiing hurnin}S. Wha av~iled tbe ri.ch man~s p~rple dJathing ili.nd lllmptuons fare, when~ io hell - he \Vas wrapt op in purple fLtn)es, and could not , have a drop of ru1cttu t? cool hiJ ton.~ue? Alas! that meo fhJuld iQdulge th~:mfeivc::s in fiQ, whi~h willbe 'uch bitterN n •e~