· ~ 22 T/;c Pudjl;,mnt ofL~fr in flr:/1. :aefs in the end; th::n they fhou !d drink fo greedi ly of th"! poifonouos cup, and huz that ferpent in the :r bo!om that · will fting them to the heart, and ~nilw ouL their bo\i;ds at length! 2. What a God be is, 'Ni th whom we have to do; what htured he bears to fin, aod how feve rely he punilh– et.h it. Ko,ow the Lord to be moft: jlli1:, as welt a~ mo ll a1ercifu!,J and think not r.hat he ie fuch a one as· you are : away with that fatal mi!l:ake ere 'it be .too 1.tte, Pfal. l. ·21. ~ 2· ·Thou thoughte)? t .':Jat I '1..ua.r altoget,~er fuch an cne tU t-hyfelf; out 'will reprove thee. and Jet thc!m in ordt:r he· .J~re thine eyu. Now c-:-J?fider -thir, ye thatfl-rget Cod. /~(t I Je..aryou in piece;, and -there be none to deliver. Th~ tire 'r!epared for the devil •nd his a':lgels, as d<trk as it i!S, v·dt ferv.e to difcover God ~o be a fevere reveoger of fin. Llfljlfy, -· The abfolute neceffity oC'fleting to the Lord J e fu_g Chrdl by fait;h; . the fame neceffi ;y of repenta nce, and holinds of · hiart and life. The aveng'!r of blood is purfuin ~~ the e, 0 fi,Jner_! hafle and efcoi.pe tothe ci ty of refL~ ge. vV~fh <10W in ·the fountain of the Vlediator 's bl ocd, th :n you may not pe.rifh ic the l;~ke of fire. Open thy he art to f. :m, le[{ the .pit .clofe its' mouth on thee. Leave t hy fins, el fe the y will Luin thee : kill them. elf~ the y wi;I b~ thy - l~e a de. for ever. Let not tLe te·rror of helJ . fi re put thee upon ~1:nde'1ing thy bean more, as it nuy do, if thou ent~ta [ n tLat w icked . thoughtt viz . Thueh no ht)p~, Jer.ii. 25. wh ;ch, pc rh~p:-, · is more rife among rhe lJeare1s of the gof}H: l, t h·a nmaoy Fe ;~.wue of. But f heJ e is hnDe for doe worn of fi nn ers, who will ..:ome unto Jefus Chri!L If there are no good qualifi- ' catioos in thee .(a~, c~rtainly, there can be none in a na t nr~l man ~ none in a11y m:m, but what ar~ received from Chr!/1 .in hi1n) know that ..he ha~ not fufrended try wdcorne on ~·ny good qualifications·~ do thon t~ke himfelf and his fa!va· . tion , fredy offered .11nto ail t:o whom t11e gofpel comes. /Fhofoever '!vill, let Mm ta'k.e ofthe rwater of life fredy, Rev. :Xxii.• r 6. Him that cometh to me, I will in no 'W4')'1 c,aji out, ,. Juhn V-t , 37· I.t i~ true, thou an .a fioful c re ature, -anJ canH not repent; thou :ut unholy. and ea oft not make thy-– felt holy : nay. thou haH df.. yed to repent, to forfake fin, ,;and to be holy, tut fhll miffed of repent:wce . refo rma~!rn.s t.Ul~ heh~efs .; and therefore~ J.)oufaidjl, there iJ no hot:· hi~