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HeJd vr . No, .f!J,. 1 havtJ lor•ed.Jlrahg:1rs, dnd after thr:m rwiJ! I g•. T·ru!v, r10 marvel, that the fuccefs has 11ot a'nfwered thy expe-tln.tion, iloce thcu hait alw;;ys begun thy work amifs.' But do •hou, 6rit of a ll , honour God by belitVing the tdti– mony he h :.:~s given rJf his Son, namr:ly that eternal life is ia ' hil;l ; and )10nour the Son cf God by believing on him, that is , ~mbr ... cing and f<:~liiog in wi\h ihe free cffer of Chriit, an·1 of his falva1ion from fin and from wrath, made to th~e i~t the gofpd , uufiing in him confidemly for •ig.hteoufoefs to thy j u{bfi cat.ion, ancl alfo for ('loCI:ification; feeiog of GoJ hf is 1nade unto tJ.r both rigbteoujnefs and fanC!ification, 1 Cor. i. 3e>. · Then, if thou h<J fi as much cre-dit to give to the wm·d of God, as tbeu wouldft allow to the: word of ~n. honeft man offering t hee a gift, and .faying take it, and it · is th \ne ·; thou mayil believ:e that God is thy God, Chrift ·– is thine, his ialvation is th-ine,- thy fins a.te pa-rdoned, thoa · hafi ftrrngt!1 in him for repentance and for holir.efs; for ~u thefe are made ever to thee in the free cffer of the gofrel. Bdieving on the Son of ·God, thou art juflified, the curfe is. removed. And while it lies upoo thee, how is it pcffible, thou fhoulclll bring forth the fruits of holinefs ? But, the curfe is remove.d, that death, which fe ized on thee witlt the fidl Adam (accotding to the threatening; Gm. ii. q.) is taken iW'ly. ln conftquence of which, thou fhitlt ~nd the bands of wickednefs (now holding tbe·e fafl: in i.mpenitency) broke:_n a fur\~er, i!S the bands of that death ; fo as thou \vilt he <~b!e to rtpent indeed f~orn the heart: thou {halt find the JPirit of liff, on v.hcfe departure that death et;[ucd, returnt:d to tt:y fcnl, fo <1s tber:ce!orth thot: {h ,dt be enabled-to liv1 un/{) righteiJufne/f. No man's cafe is fo bad, but it may · be mended this W!!y, in time, to be perftftly_right .i-n etcr~ , r:j:y : and no man's c <~ fe is fo good, bu-t another way being . taken, it will be _manrd fo r time and eternity too. lll. TLe damned !hall have the flciety of devils in their miferable Hate i·n hell .: for they mufl: depart into fire pre– pared f or tl·e de:: i! and /.Jii angel!. 0 hornble comp;,ny ~ 0 frightinl ~dfu ciarion ! who wuuld cliufe to dwell in a paia{:e · h'tunted by dev ils? To be confined to the mofr p1eafaot fpot cf eHth, with the dev il and his ir,fernal furies, '-%·ould be a rnoll terrible cor..hnement. How would men's bean'S fail ll:em, and their 11ait i1and t1p, ' finding thcmfdves environeJ - N a :z with