7 he Etcrn!ty of the miferabl! State IV. with the hell ifh crew, 'in that cafe! but ah! howmuch more terrible muft it be. to be ca!t with the devils into one fi.re·, )ocked up with them m one dunge..on fhut up with them io one pit ! to Le clofed np in a den of roaring lions, girded abc.ut wi1h ferpent·. furrou nded with venomous afps, and to l1ave the bowels eaten out by vipers all together and at once, is a comp:ujfon too low, to fhew the mitery of:.he damned, ihut up m hell with the devil and bis angels ·They go a– bout a> roaring lions, feeking w}aom they may devour: but then fhall they be confined in ' their dens with th~ir prey, th(y fhall be filled to the brim with the wrath of God, and 1 eceive the full torment, ( ft1atJh. viii. 2 9 . ) which tbey tnm– ble in expeCtation of, ( Jame.r ii : 1 9.) .being ca!l in:o the fire prepared fur them. How will thefe lions roar and tear! how will thefe fer pent.s hifs! thefe dragons vomit out fire !_ what horrible angllilh w.ill feize the damned, finding them' fclves in the lake of fire, with the devil who deceived tbem ; drawn hither with the fi !ken cords of temptation, by thefe wicked fpirits, and bound with them in everlalting chains under darknefs ! Rev. xx. ro. And the de.vi! that deceived them, 'lJ.'aJ caji into the /a,~e if fire and bri'mflone, 'lJ.Jhert: the beafl, and the falfe prophd are, and jhaif be tormented day and 11ight for ever and ever. 0! that men would confider this in time, renounce the devil and his 1u{ts, ani join themfelves to the Lord in faith and holinefs. \Vhy fhould men chufe that corrp1.ny in rhis world, and delight in that fociety, they would oot defi're to a:ffociate with irl the other world? Thole who like not the (lOmpany of the faints on earth, will e,et none of it in etet nit y: but as godlefs company is their deli~bt now, they will after– wa~gs get enough of it, when they have an eternity to pafs in the roaring and b.lafpheming fociet)' of.devils aod reprobates in hell. Let thefe whoufe to invocate the devil to take rhem, fobed y confider, that the company fo often iovittd will be terrible at hH when come. IV. A·1d lafily, Let us confider t!le eternity of the whole, the everla!hPg continuance of the miferable fiate of the damned in hell. . Firfl, If J could, J !hcuJd fhow what etero;ty is, I mean the creature's ete1nity. But whl) can meafure the waters of the ocean, or who ~ao tell you the day>, years, and ages of ~ter~