termty n:ifira'ble of etern:ty on their fingers; and they who h.aodle the wbee have an emblem of cternit~ before them: for to whic~ part . foever of the ring or wheel one looks, one will Hill fee another part beyond it ; &md on wha~foever moment of eternity you condefcend, there i! fiill another beyond it. When you are rib road in the fields, and behold the piles of the grFtfs on the earth, which no man can reckon ; think with your– ielves, that, were as- many thoufands of years to co.ne, as. there are piles of grafs on the gtound, even thofe would have an end at length, but etern itywiJl h:1ve none. When you • look to a mountain, imagine in your hearts, how long it . would it be• . ere •hat mountain fhould b..: removed, by a lit– tle bird coming one(' eve:ry th ouf<md years,and carrying awa y. but one grain of the dua d 1ereof itt once: the ·mountain would at length he removed that way, and brought to ao end; but eternity will never end. Suppofe this with refpetl: to all the mountains of the ~arth; nay, with refpect to the whole globe of the earth ; the grains "f duft, whereof Lhe whole earth is made up, are not infinite, and therefot,e the lafl: grain weufd, at long-run, comeito be ca.rried away, in the way fuppofed : but when that floweO: work would he– Inought to an od, eternity w·ould, be in effeCt but beginniAg . Thefe are fome rude draughts of eternity : and now add n1ifery and woe w this eternity, what tongue can exprefs it r "\Vhat heart can conceive it ? In what balance can that mi· fery and woe be weighed ? :!econdly, Let us take a view of what is eternal in th~ fiate of the damned in helL Whatfoever is includedjo tbe fearful fentmce, determining their eternal fiate, is ever ]aft-: ~· iog: . therefore all •he doleful ingredients of their miferable Hate will be evedaHin .~ ~ the-y will never eod. The text exprefsly declares the fire. into ,,,hich they mull: depart, to he ever/a/ling fire. And our Lord elfewhere tells us, th ~t in heH the.firejhallneverbefutnched. (Markix . 4~.) with an eye to the nlley of Bin11om. in which, bdides the al· teady menti oned fi.e , for burning of the children to fl1o!och,, t.here was alfo another fire t u:ning cvrtinu4lly, to confume the oea_d carcafes\ a r. d fiith of Jerufalem: fo the fcripture Jeprefenting hdl ·fire by the fire of that v,dley, fpeaks it not colr to be mofi e~quifite, but alio evcrlafiiog. Seeing thea ' the