The Eternity of the miflrable Ji\'e, who chufed death, and refuted life; for there de.1th. lives, and the end ever begins. 2dly , The curfe ihallly upon them etern<\IIy, as the everbfting ch~in to hold tl1em in the everbHing fire; a chain that fhall never be locfed, be\ng fixed for ever a– bout them, by the dreadfnl fentence of the eternal judg- . ment. This chain which fpurns the united for ce of de-· vih held fafi ' by it~ ,is too ltrong to be b !·oken by men, • who being folenmly anathematized , and devoted to de– firuetion, can never be recovered to any other ure. 3d!y, Their pun;fhment {hall be eterna l; l:f:z tth. xxv. -46. 'Thty foal! g? arway into e'f:cr/aflir.g ,!Jun:fhment. Th zy will be, for ever, feparated trom God and Chrifl:., and from the !(xiety of the holy angels and faints; b~tween whom'Rnd them an ·impafiible gulf will be fixed, ' Luke :xvi. 26. Betttueen ttJ and you, (fays Abra·ham, ir1 the pa– rable to the rich man in hell) there iJ a great gull fixed, fo that~, th~y ttvhich would pafs from hence to you, canmt; TJcither can they pafl to tu, that l"~uou!d come from ther.ce . They ihall, for ever, have the horrible foci~ty of the devil and his angels. There will be no change of com– pany for evermore, in that region of darkneis. Their torment in the fire will be : they muftlive for ever in it. Several authors, both ancient and modern, tel l us of earth flax, or Salamandn·'s hair; tha t cloth made of it, bei ng cafl: into the fire, is fo far from -being buri1t or confumcd, that it is only made clean thereby, as other things are by waf.hing. But, however that is,· it is certain, the damned fh1ll be torment ed for ever and tv~r .in hell -fire, and not fubfl:.antially deflroyed, Rev. xx. tc . And indeed nothing is annihilatedby fire, but only diifolv· ed. Of what nature foever heil ·fire is, no quefl:.ion, the fame God , who kept the bodies of the three children from burning in Ntbuchadnn.zar's fiery furnace, can alfo keeF the bodies of the damned from any fuch dilfolutionbyhell– fire as may infer privation of life. · Lafily, Their knowledge and fenfe of their mifery {hall be eternal, and they !hall alfuredly know that it will be eternal. How defireable would it be to them, to have their fenfes for ever locked up, and to lofe the confciouf– nefi of their owu mifery; as one may rationally fuppo~e I.£