it to fare at length with fome, in the .pun1fhment of death ihflitted 0n them on ear~h, and ·as it is with iome mad people in their miferable cafe ! but that agrees not with the notion of torment for ever and ever, nor the 't).Jorm that dieth not. Nay~ they will ever have a lively fe~lm~ of their mifery and firongefi impreffions of · the wrath of God again(l them. And tJ;lat dreadful intimation ol t he eternity of their punifhment, made to them , by the Judge in their fenfence, will fi~ fuch impreHions of the eterni– ty of their miierable iiate upon their minds, as t.hey will dever be able to Jay a.fide, but will continue with. them evermore, to complete their mifery. This will fill them with everlafiing defpair, a moft tormenting paffion, which will continually rent their · he:1rts, :<S it were, in a thoufand pieces. To fee floods of wrath ever coming, apd never ·to ceafe ·; to be ever in tor– ment, and withal to know there fha!l never, never, be a· releafe, will be the cape· fione put on the mifery of the damned. If hope deferred make the heart jick, ' (Prov. xiii. 12-.) how killing will be, hope rooted up, llain outright, and buried for eve!' out of the creature's fight! this will fill. t4e~ \vith hatred and rage againft God, their known· irreconc-ileable enemy: and under it they will roar for ever like wild hulls in a net, and fill the pit with blafphemies evermore. Lafily, I might here {hew the reafonabl enefs of the e– ternity of the puuifhment of the damned~ but hav'-ng at .. ready fpoke of it, in vindicating the jufiice of God, in his fubjecting :"11en in their natural ftate to eternal wrath, I only remind you of t}lree things, (f.) The infinite dig– nity of the party off~nded by fin, reqqire5 an irfinite pu· r,ifhment to be infliCted for the vindication of his honour; fi.nce the demerit of fin rifeth according to the dignity and excellency of the perfon whom it is commit· ted. 'I'he party oifendeti is the great God, the chief good~ the offender, a vile '1.vorm; in n.;fpccr of perf:::Cli– on diftant from God, to whom l1e is indebted for all that ever he had, implying any good or perf~.'l:ion whatfoever. This then requires an infinite pu11ifhment tv be infliCted on the !inner, the which, fince it cannot, in him, be infinite in vah;e, mufl ne..;ds be infinite in duration,