Head VI. A meafuring Reed. --43 I horrible finning under them, more than exquifite pains •.: i nfiided upon mett on earth, can excufe their murmuring, b 'fretting. and blafpheming againfi God under them ; for it is not the wrath of God, but t.heir own wicked nature, that is the true caufe- of their tinnii1g under it; and fo the holy Jefus bore the _}Vrath of God, withotlt fo much .as one unbec0<11ing tli~p:~ht of God, and far lefs any one unbecoming word. :. :, .• 'f. i ' ' . Us K I. Here is a.'?i~~gzuinf? reed: 0 that men \Vould ·apply. it. Ft•j1, .- A._"fW.ty~h to your time in this world, and y·m will find you~ ~t'inie .to be ve r y Hi·ort. A profpetl: of ·· much tin1e to cofoe; Jwovcs the ~uin af many fouls. Men wdl be reck,1aing .their time by years, (l ike th~t rich nnn,: Lu"krr xii. r9, :z'o.) when it may be, there are not ~any hour~~ of it to run. But reckon as you will ; lav- . ,Jng. , our time to the rmafurin,g r1ed o/ eternity, you will ' ~ee,y,1ur age is as nothing. Vlhat a fmall and ioconfi– . . ~ "debble point is fi·xty, eighty. or a hundred years; ia refpe ·~ of eternity? Coxlpar,~d yvith eternity, there is a greater d 'ifpmportion , than be tween a hait·'s breadth and .- the c1r cnmf<:ren ce of the ~hole earth. Why do we :fleep .. t~en i ~1 fuch a Lhor t day, wh ile we are in hazard of lof- •' i;1g r efl:, th<oug-h the tong nigf'lt of eter u ity ?· _'Zi)ly, Ap– ply it to your endeavours fo• talva t ion, an&''lh_~y will be f0und ver y fcanty. Wh en men. are prdf:9 ' to diligence in •:h.!ir fdvation -wor k. they ~c>re ready to C:iy, ·'To 'What p!l. rpofe if thir "'.JJa/ft:? .<\.bs ! if it WC\"1! t:O be jt1Jged by our d i!igeace, what it is that w~ ha.ve in v f~w; as to the mo(l p ~u~t of u't no man couid thereby conjeCl:ure, that we h.we etemity in view. If we duty confdered eterni · t y, we could not but conclude ,_ we . ou6ht to leave n• m eans ·appoimed of God undfayed, till we get our fal ·.r:t~ .. t i~n fccnr ed; to r<!fu [c refl: o: co;nfort in any thing, till w e are thdt~red u:1d ~:r the wings of the Mediator; to p•1rfue our g reat in tereft with tl~e utmofr 'vigou!', to cut: off lulls d ear as right hand:; and right eyes . to ft.:t our . ·ftces reir>luce ly ag:tin f1: all d!d1.:ul fie'>, and fight our way .throngh all the oppofhion m·tde by the d~ vit the world. and the fld h; are, all of them, together, little enough for eterni t y .' . ll.s E U. Here is a !Ji:danr:r: if tfg fanc1uary, by \-Thich o:a·c.