..,;• Ba?ance o(th~ Santluar)'· State I\I'. one may underfland the liRhtneji of what is falfely thought weighty; anJ the rzuei,Rht of fome things, by many, reckoned to be very light; , Fitfl , Some thir.gs 1ee.m very "weighty, which wei-ghed in this balance, will be found very light. ( 1.) \Veigh the world , rwd all that iJ in it, the lufl if the .flejh, the lujl of the e)'er , and the pride of life, and the \\'hole wdl be f ound li ght in the balance of ettrni~,, . \Ve;gh herein all worlJl y profiti s gains, and advantages; and you will qui ckly fee , that a thm1iand worlds will not quit the coLt of the eternity ,of wo. For what is a 'man profit ed, if he;half gain the w~o!e •u}l)rld, and /ofe hh own f oul? t·r'latth . xvi. 26. vV ci gh the plea[tf.ru of )in. which are butfor a feajon. wi t h t he ftre that is everla.fiint; and you mutt a.ccount yourfelves fools and mad. m~. to run the h.azard of the one , fot· the other. ( • · ) W eigh.y1ur afflil'liom in .thi.s balance , :wd you will find die heavi~il: of them v~ry light, in re fpecr of. the ·weight o{ eternal an– guiih. lmp:1tien.ce under ~.ffii c1:ions1 efpecially when worldly trouhles do fo emhi tter men's fpirits, that they cannot reli{h the g lad tidings of the gofpel , fpe aks great regardlefFoets of ~ternity. As a fm <.dl and confiderab~e lo ts will be very little a t hear t wi t h him, who fees him· 1 felf in hazard of lo{).ng his whole eftate : fo troubles in . ·,, . the world will app-ear but li ght , to him who has a lively vi ~w of eternity. Such a one ' ':ill il:oop, and · take up his crofs, whatever it · be, th inking it enou ~h to efc::rpe , e:ernal wrath-. ( 3 ) \¥eigh rhe mofi d~/}icuit a nd unea[J dut ie.r ~(religion here, and you will no more reckon t hi! · yoke of C h rifl: unfupportable . Repentance and bittec mourning for fin, qn ear ih , are veTy light in comp ~trifon of eternal weel5ing, •wailing , andgnajhing of teeth in hd!. To wreflle with God in pn1 ycr , weeping and m<A king fr.p- · p!i...aticn for the bleffing . in t~me , is Lr eafier than to ly unde r the curfe through all eternity. M ot·t ifi.c a tion of the mofl ly;l0ved luH: is alight thing. in compa'rifon- with tl:e (ec" nJ death in helL Laj U.J , Weigh yrmr convifJJon.J in this balance . 0 how h eavy do thefe ly upon many, t ill they get them fhaken off! They are not difpo,ed to' faH in \V~ th them, but flrive to p-et cle;~r of them, ""'"of a ._-, . mighty burd~n. But the wot;m of an ill conicicnce will neither