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~34 Exlortation to 1/yfr~m Wrath. .'SMte. IV.. ~ \ I I go on, Joi}er not, but work_out _J·our jalvation rwith fear– ttnd trembling, Philip. ii. I 2. Fear him rwhich iJ able to de· Jl"roy both .feu/and body rn hell, ,MHth. X . ::z_8. Remember,. ye are not yet afc1nded into hea~en : ye a re but in your– middle fiate. The tverlafiing arm; have dr.awn you out of the gulph of wrath ye were plunged into, in your natu"' ral !late ; they a.reo (liH underneathyou.,. th:tt ye can never all down into it a.gain: nevenbelefs, ye have not got up to. the top of the r.ock; the d~ep below you is frightful ;· lock ;!tit, ·and hafien yom afcent. Ye, who are i.n your na– tural Hate, lift up your eyes, and take a view of the eter– nalfi~u. Arife, ye profane perf6ns, ,ye ignorant ones,- ye formal hypcc:rities, !hangers to the power .of godlioefs, fly rom the rwrath to com~. Let not the y.ouog adventure tO' delay a moment looKer; nor the old put off· this WQtk any · more. 'To da; ; ij ye 'Will- h:ar hi! tJflice, harden not ;-our kearf!; left he (wear ·in his. wrrnh th :! ,ye fha!J never enter., into his 1dt. It is-no time to Jinger in a. fiate of fin ; ·as in. Sodcm; when hte and ' brimfrooe .;•ne coming down on ir , from_the Lo1d. Take warhiog in time: they, who are in_ liell, are not ttf-ubkd with ft-: ch warnings; but are enraged againft thcmfelves, fvr that thty fl ighted the warning ,. when they had it •. Cot16der, l pray you,' (1 .). How uneafy it is to ly one.' 'whole night,. o.n·- a ·f ft bed. in p,erfeel: heahh, whe·n one very. fain would il·: tp, btn c<~nr.ot get it; fleep being. ~.eputed from him. How often would one in that 'Cafe: wi!h. for ,_eft! Ho\\' fuN of t.fJj/ingJ t-o and.fro! But ah ! ·how dr.e ;· d i· u.l muft it t ben be , tc IJ' in jorroruJ, wrapt up in. fcorcbinP, fL.n,es,~ .tbr·ough long e:e rnit:y, in ~hat place,. 'l:here they have no reft d.ay nor ni ght ! ( 2.) . How terrible - \l.ould ' jt - bt-, to_li.v e under violent pt~i.n s of the cholic or~ ~ravel, fc: r forty or G.xty years roge the.r, wi thout any in– termiffiDn ! yet that i ~ bllt a ve1:y fmaJI thing in comparifon (>f eternal feparation fron1 God, tne ~0'111 that nev,er d ieth, · ~nd th.e fit e that is n< V t';r q,uenched. ( 3·) Eternity is ao awfu1 tbough.t; o. long, long, endlefs eternity! .but wi!J not tvery moment, in eter-nity of wo . feem a mooth, and ever}A– bc.ur a. year, ,in that mea w.relched 2. 0 0 defperate conditi– ~} He..nce ever and ever, a:$ it were. a double eternity•. . n~ ' . . ~ . •.... ~ ....._.,.,. -·-~·· .... -... t ..."' . .. -~. ~