' ' :Head VI. Exlortaticn /() fly ftwz lVrath. The £ck· man, in the night, trrjfing t .9 and fro OA 1 his bed, ' fays, it will never be day; ccmplains that his pain ever continues~ never,- never abates. A re thefe petty time eter– 'tzitieJ, whi_ch men form to themfelves, in their O\\'n imagi– -nations, fo very gtievous? Alas '! Then how grievous, J10w utterly infupportable mufi: a rea/eternity o-f wo, and ~ !I manner of miferies be ! La.flly, There will be fpace e, 'no~gh d~ere, to reflt:Ct on a.ll the ills of one's heart ar.d life, which qne cannot get time t.o think ofnow: and to– fee that all, tha-t was faid of the impenitent finner's hazard, was true, and that the half was not told. Thete wilt be: fpace enough in eternity, to carry on ddayed repentance, to . Ju'e one's fol}ies, when it - is too late: and in a flate pa ren·iedy, to fpeak forth the fruidefs \,ifhes, 0 that 1 never had been born! that the '.womb had been my grave.~ and l kad' never !em the fun! 0 that I had taken · •warning in time, and fled from this wrat.h, whit! the door f!f mercy w.1 j, Jlanding ()Nn to met 0 that 1 had never heard the giJfoe/,, that I ha.d lived infome .corner ofthe world, "1vhere a Sa– viour, and the great falvation were not once named I But. :all in vain. What is done Cflonot be trndooe.; the oppor– tunity Is loH and cannot be r.etrieved ; ti-me is gone, ;wd cannot be recalled. Wherefore impro_ve tilt!e, while you l1ave it, and do not wilfully ruin you1felves, by fiop.ping: your ear to the gofpel-cr~ll. And now, if you would be faved from the~rat,~ tQ corner and never go into this place of torment, t<tke no .reft in -y'our– tuztural jiate; believe thefinfulne/s and mifery of it, and– labour to get out Qf it quickly, flying unto J.efus ChFilt by · faith. Sin. in you is- the feed Of hell: and, if the guilt and teigning pmver of it be not . removed in time . th"!y wiH b(ing you to the .fecond death in eternity. There is no· way to ge,r them removed, but by receiving of ctnitt, as– he is offered in the gofpel, for juftification aad fanetifica– tion : and he is now offered to you with all his falvationy Rev. xxii . 1 2. 1 7. And behold, I come quickly,, and my r~~ard iJ "JJith 11Je, to give et1ery ?new according as hil wor l .jha!t be. And th~ Spirit and th~ Bride .fay, Come, anti Let him that heareth, jay, Come· . . And let hi'm that if a· thirjl com:. ·And rwhofle·w.r rwill,,let him take of t-he wa- . , ~·