436 E'xhortati~n to!; fr~tn H1rath. 5tate- ·r~~4 ter of life freelj. Jcfus ChriH is the Mediator of peact·, a:nd the fonnt;-;in r,f holine(j: He it is, who.· deliver~d u.r ./ from tle <Wrath to cor1e. There is n? condemnatirm r, • them which are in Chrifi Jejiu, <Wh(} <Walk not after the fi~/h, but after the Spirit, R.om. viii. 1. A!ld the terrors ·of hell, .as well as the joys of h'eaven,' a:re fet befoq~ you, il:ir you up to cordial tecei·vin.g of him with all his fal'– tion ; and to · determine you unto the way of faith and hofineft : In which alone you c2n efcape the everlafiing fire. May the Lord himfelf make theni effecrual to that end. Tht2s far of m:m's eternaf.flate; the \'llhich, becaufe i't . is eternai, admits no fu"eediog ooe, for ever. -- ~·- •#