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J'Iead L 'The Corruptior; ifthe Um/.eJjlanding. 53 i~ but iH found€d, tha.t cannot bear out, but is quite·Merthrown, when the (h~pn co.mes; • ' Evid:·3. Confider the utter incqnfift~ncy of mofl: mens lives, with the p,rincipl~s qf re l ig~on whi~h they pr~fefs: ye may as foo(l ~:t;i9g eafr a~d wdt togeih~·r,. as their prin~ ciples and practice. Mep . believ~ that fire vnl"t burn them, and therefore they wilJ not tht ow them,felves into it ; bLlt 'lhe truth i~, moft men live a~ if they th<?ught the gofpd a mere fable, and the wr·ath of God reyejiled in his word againfl: their unr~ghtec. ufncfs ~nd ungodlin.efs. · ~ rnere fc~r~crow. If ye believa the doCtrines .of the wqr,d, how 1s 1 t tha t ye ~re uoconceme~ apout the !late of ypur fou ls be– fore the ~o RD ? How is 't tha,t y~ ate fo ~i.ttle 'copcerned with th~t Wtight y }JOint, FV/;etherye b'e bof"n. •agc:in ()r not p ' Many live as they were born, aqd are lik~ to di~ a~ they , live, and yet live in poace. Do fu~h beli~ve the finfulncfs a nd mifery of a natural {tqte ?. Do they;he!iev.e· they are children q/:riJJrath? 'Do they believe there is ·no ·fqlv:qtion ' without regenerfition? and no regenert~tioFJ but what makes man a aew creature? If you believe' the promifes of the word; why do you l'fOt embrace th·em;- and h.botU· to-·en ter imo the pron;ifed reft r ~"Vhqt fl.uggard would nol d)g for a ·hid treafu-re, if he reallybeliev.ed he m,ight fo obt-ain it? Men will work and fwe::.t for a maintenancl;'!; bec;lu(e th~y believe that by ' fo doing · tl1ey ~ill , get it : yet · they will be at no tolerab'le pains far the eternal weight of glor.y; why,_bot becaufe rhey do not believe tbe word of pro– mi"fe? Heb.' iv. r, 2• ' If ye believe til.e' threatning~., bow is it that ye live io yQur ~ fins, Jiv~ out af"Clni!1:, · and yet hope for mercy. ? Do fuch ~.elieve God tp be the ht.l y and j ufl: One, who will by n,o meam cleflr the guilty-? No, no, none belie\'e, npne~- (or next to pone) believe what ~ j~l!~ God the Le>RD · i~, 2nd how feverely he puoi!heth. ntihly, There is in· ~he mind of ·man a pfHtHall p-iOJ!e-: nefs to lies and falfhood,. whiCh make for the fafet y of 1nfls; 'T~ey go aflray aJ JO'on cu t hey be born, ·:/Peaking fieJ·, ·pf,d. 1n i. 3· \Ve have this wirh the refl of the ·corruption of our n~ture, f10~ our firll pa..rems. ' God revealed the truth to them; but thwugh the folicitatjon of th.e tempter, they : fi"d1: doubted of it ; then difbelieved it, and embrflced a lie 3.n.fh:<id- of. h..~ And for an unconteftible cv-id~nce. he reo(, · E.·~ s , J \ve