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. I 66 7h~ Corruption if the JVif!. State H)· bet, tha t there were no King ; and the unrenewed man who )s a mafs of pride and rebellion, that there whe nG '· God. He faith in his heart, ·he- wifhe th it were fo, tho' he ,he afharned and afraid to fpeak it 0\tt:· And that all na– t~u~al menare fuch fools., appears from the apcll:le's quoting · a part of this pfa.lm, That every mouth m'ay be.fiopped,.Rom. i ii. 1 o, 11, 12, 19. !'own indeed, that while the nll.tOral . man looks . on ·God as .. the Creator and Preferver of the wqr!d ; becaufe be loves his own felf, therefore his heart ,:rifeth not againfi: the being of his Benefactor : but this en• " mity will quickly appear, when he looks on God, as the / , ReBor and Ju4ge of the world, binding him, under the p;tin of the curfe, to exaCt holinefs, a.nd gird in·g him with t he cords of death, becaufe of his fin. Lift en in ~this cafe to the voice of the heart, and 'thou -~Jilt find it to b~ no God. ( 2.) Ye .are enen:}ies ·to · the na ture of God, Job ~xi. 14· :rhe_y fay unto God, Departfr(Jm us; for we de)irt not the knowledge of thy ways. Men fet up to tbemfdves: an idol of their own fancy, inll:ead of Go_d; and then fall down and woriliip it. They love 'him no other way, than Jacob– loved Leah, whil'e he·took her for Rachel. -- ·Every natu ra! " . man is an enemy ~o God;- as he is revealed in ,.his word. i\~1infin~rely .ho.)', '}ufi! po•werful and true Being, is not the God whom he-loves, but the God whom he lothes. In -ef– feCt, mel'l naturally are haters ofGod, · i. 30. And if ·" thP..y cou ld , they.. certain]y would make hin:l anot her th-an· what he is. '..For, confider it is a cer i:aifHrurh, That-rwhatfiwer i.r in Ct:d, i.r God ; ·and 'therefore his _attributes or .– perfecri ons are not any thing· really d.i iii net from hi~felf• ., l f ~God1s attributes be not bihddf,. he-is a compoun€1 Being, , and fo not the·.firH B&ing,t.which to fay i~ blafphernous) for the pan~ compounding- are bdQre the co rnpouod itfelf; but ·- he·· is d!pha and Omega, the ,.ftr/i ·and-the lajf . :· Now ui'oll th is, 1 wou ld, for your con•ittion t propofe to ' you ,. confcierJces a few qun ies , ( 1 • ) R ottv fl andyour hea:~s ·' a.lfc:Bed to the.infinite purity• t~ nd f.biinefi· ~/God?. Con !Ct• encc will give at! aofwer tO th is, whH;h the tongue will.flot· · fpe.ak out . . lf ye be n.o-t partikct~ oP1i's holinefs, ·ye c;moot b e · r~con cil ed to it. Tht Pagi:ms ·findi['lg tl1e:Y c6•ld not be . Jtl{'e GGd i n bolinefs, made t. heir godt like themfelv~s in fil– thi.u.e f:i. ; an.d thcr~by difcofetedwhadort of a god the pa- .- .. · · nu~ )