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Head I.' The Corruption of the !Fill,. 73 Zion, Pf a! . ii. 6. And atJ to whom the. gofpel comes are c.:>mmanded, on their highefi peril, to kiflthe Son, and fub– mit themfelves unto h 1m, ver. I 2. Bunhe .n:ltural voiceof~~·. :. m:inkind is, Arway with him , as· you may fee.c ver . 2,j;/f~'!f;'~" They rwill not have him to re(gn over ·lhem, Luke xix. I 4· Evidence 1. The workings of corrupt ~ature to wrefl: the _government out of his hands. No fooner was he borh, J?ut being ·born a King, Herod perfecuted him, Mart h. ii. And when he was crucified, theyJet up over hi! head hit ,gccujation rwrlttm, This i1 Jefus !he Kin_g of the Jews, Muth. xxvii, 3'7. Tho' his kingdom beafpiritualkingdom, and not of this world; yet they cannot allow him a ltingdom · Within a kingdom, which ackno.wledgeth DO Other head Ot , fupteme but th'e Royal Mediator·..- They make bold with his • ·royal prerogatives, changing his laws, ~nflitutions and or– dinances; modelling ~is ~orfhip according to the devices of their ,own hearts; introducing new, offices and cfficers , 'into his kingdom, not to be fot1nd in the book rf the man– ner of hi! kingdom; difpofing of the external goverom~nt thereof, as may befi fuit their carnal defigns. Such is the enmity of the _hearts of men againfi Zipn1s King. ' Evid. 2. How unwilling· are men naturally to fubmit unto, aoQ be hedged io by., the laws and difcipEne of his kingdom! As a king, he is a law-giver, . (!fa . xxxiii. 22 ..) ~nd has .appointed an external government, difcipline and ce.nfures, to controul tqe uorul y, and to keep his profdfed fubjeCl:s >in order, to ~e exercifed by offictrs of his own .!.p· pointment, Mat. xviii. 17, 18. l Cor xii . ~8. I ri!ll, V ' 9· H eb. xiii. 17. But thefe are the great eye-fores of the car– nal world, who love fipful libenv. a~1d therefore cry out. Let us break their bands a(under ,'and cafl arway their cordJ" from ur, Pfal. ii. 3. Hence this work is found to be , in a fpecial manner, a {hiving againfl the Hream of cor t upt Jiature, which, for the mofl-Part, puts fuch a face on the chur<;h, as if there were no king in lfrael, et;_ery one dr;- j ng that rwhich iJ right in hiJ own eyes, . Evid. 3· Hov/ ever natural men may be brough to feiga . . fubmiffion to the King of faints, yet lufis 31ways r etain the throoe and dominion in their hearts, and 'they 'are forving .divers lufis and pleajures, •Tit. iii . 3· Noae but thefe in whom Chrifi is formed, do really put the crown onhis h~ad, G· · aft~