124 MEMOIRS OF' PERIOD VII, A Aril 23. My father; in the time of his fackñefs, had (as he had alfo before) urged me to put an end to that bufinefs ; and then I found I was inclined not to delay it long. And another thing carne immediately after, which obliged me to be at a point in that matter. 'Phis day I fet myfelf to fpend forne time in feek- ing light from the Lord in that point. I prayed twice,: but was in no good cafe, and fo could not fall on what I aimed at. I tried-it again, and after a while I got my feet fattened ; the Spirit did blow on me, and the matter was laid Out before the Lord ; and my confcience told me, that I did fincerely defire God's de- . termination in the cafe; which defire I faw as the fun at noon, day. 'Plre upfhot of all was, to follow theconduit of providence. On the morrow, having gone to God with it again in particular, and after confidering thebufnefs, I found reafons weighty for not delaying it much' longer: I alfo found I was in better cafe for expediting it than I had thought, being then made fenfible of a miftake. Providence, even in the review at this diftance, I plain- Iy fee to have been, at that tine, clearly pointingand conducting me, by li veral fteps thereof, unto it. Accordingly, on Monday the 29th, I went away to vifit my friend ; and, following the conduit of providence, we determined the bufinefs to the middle of July ; and fà I returned chearfully, and ever after was well fatisfied as to the determination of the time. May 24. At night, before family- exercife, I -was fomewhat caft down and troubled by reafon of forne remaining difficulties in the accomplifhing of my bufinefs. At prayer I took oceafion to bewail this ; and fo it was, that my foul feeing more of the vanity of the world, and longing for heaven, I found my föul bleffing God for troubles in the world for I well faw,' that other- wife I would have been faying, `° It isgood for me to be here." Blefled be the Lord for that word which we fung, Pfal. lxxxv: Wt. What is good the Lord will give." I Una:I-lean believe it, though I fee it not. Lord help my unbelief. May.28. &29. I was taken up in bufinefs relative thereto, and was helped to managematters with an eye to God, and my heart,was lifted up in admiration of divine conduit, making mountains molehills. June 3. Having pùrpofed to fpend forne time this day in prayer, with fatting, with refpeót efpecially to my marriage, I arofe early this morning ; and thdugh I found much of yefterday's framecon- tinuing, yet wanted I not force fecret heart-averfenefs to that work. After prayer, I confidered what I was to plead for. And,. firfi, As tartly marriage, t..That the Lord would clear up duty more and more, that we may go on under a fenfe of God's corn- mand ; Q. That he would pardon mifmanagements in the on- carryin5 of it ; 3. That he would give usa fuitable frame for fuch a weightybufinefs; and particularly in the time of it; '4. Conjugal love and concord ; 5. Contentment as to our choice, and with our lot in the world ; 6_' That we may. be fpiritually ufeful to one another, and particularly with refpeo& to a time of trouble for